Youth forums and lectures to cost Tatarstan budget nearly $0,5m

Russian student club forum is the most expensive one

31 million rubles, or $425,000 are going to be spent on several youth events in Tatarstan. The Russian National Student Club Forum is the most expensive one, the Ministry of Youth is ready to allocate over 24,4 million rubles from the republic’s budget.

The event is scheduled to be hosted from 17 September to 28 September (the exact date will be specified after a contract is signed). The approximate number of attendees is a thousand people.

A contractor needs to organise accommodation for speakers, volunteers, forum participants in Kazan hotels, cocktails, coffee breaks, areas for a business programme and solemn opening and closing ceremonies of the event. It is also necessary to organise a PCR test for COVID-19 for the attendees, volunteers, guests and experts who come from Russian regions. The results must be ready in a day.

Last year, 700 students from 85 Russian regions arrived in Kazan for the forum.

Contest plus forum for 4,1 million rubles

Our Tatarstan. Territory of Opportunities republican youth forum is the second most expensive event. 4,1 million rubles are allocated for this purpose from the republican budget. According to terms of reference, the event in Kazan will consist of three parts: a contest for non-profit organisations, a contest for young people from 18 to 35, the final of the forum comprising a two-day educational programme, there will be exhibitions of the best projects of winners of federal and republican grants, opening and award ceremonies are expected too.

The executor must advertise the forum to attract participants from Tatarstan, organise a press conference. It is considered to host the events in August-December this year.

The two-day educational programme of the forum (on 1 and 2 December, according to the previous experience) is supposed to be organised as lectures, debates, round-table talks, foresight sessions, training, master classes. Speakers on globalisation, media communication, digitalisation, creative industries, modern challenges, non-standard thinking, architects of the future, HR, competiveness of the modern generation and youth politics must attend the event. They must be one of the successful lecturers, entrepreneurs, statesmen of Tatarstan and Russia.

Lectures for youth from Tatarstan industrial cities for 2,6 million rubles

Another 2,6 million rubles are going to be spent to hold seminars on social engineering in big industrial cities of the republic. A purchase for 2,6 million rubles is financed by the Tatarstan budget.

It is necessary to organise six seminars each of which must be attended by at least 70 people. At the same time, listeners should be divided into two groups, 35 people in each. The seminars are designed for young people from 18 to 35 working in the region’s enterprises.

Also, the contractor must organise online consultations and make a book on the structure of work with the youth for four months. All the jobs must be done until 10 December.

Old and new forums

Tatarstan has already hosted a big youth event this summer — the Presidential Academy’s Summer Camp took place in the republic from 11 to 24 July.

EthnoStartupForum, events of the project Talent Pool will also take place in the republic till the end of the year. A Tatarstan delegation will participate in iVolga youth forum held in the Volga Federal District. The event will be online because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

2 million rubles are going to be spent on the Talent Pool, EthnoStartupForum and iVolga will have a million each.

Tatiana Leukhina

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