How TAIF-NK creates New Year tale in Nizhnekamsk

The site of TAIF-NK JSC has been honoured with an award in a competition for the best New Year site design in Northern Lights nomination. And it is no surprise. Reindeers, white bears, tens of live firs sparkling with bright lights, a huge luminous New Year decoration in the form of a bauble became a real adornment of the N. Lemayev Square. Workers of the oil refinery who have been diligently transforming the main urban square for many years, they decorated one of the most fabulous and surprising New Year sites in Nizhnekamsk. Read more about it in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

Tale around the corner!

The N. Lemayev Square becomes the main landmark in winter without exaggeration. Not only citizens but also people from neighbouring districts of the republic dream of being here and immediately diving into the magical atmosphere of the New Year tale. It is especially beautiful in the evenings when the whole square starts to sparkle with bright lights. Every detail that is well-thought-out fascinates.

“It is just an amazing place,” Nizhnekamsk citizen Svetlana Iryshkina is fascinated. We come here with the whole family every year to walk in the park. Our children especially like the luminous sculptures of animals, the big red bauble. We are proud of living in such a wonderful city.”

“Nizhnekamsk turns into a fairy-tale town on the threshold of New Year. We try to go to all New Year sites on the holidays and, first of all, we come here. It is impossible to describe the atmosphere reigning here with words. It is a miracle!” citizen of Nizhnekamsk Minsalikh Shaydullin shared his impressions.

According to people, everything amazes on the New Year site. There is a 16-metre white New Year tree in the centre of the urban square adorned with hundreds of lights. Tens of living firs sparkle with LED garlands around it, polar residents “settled down” around them: reindeers and white bears.

The huge bauble traditionally became the gimmick of the New Year site. Citizens of Nizhnekamsk and guests of the city take photos in the background with pleasure, while professional photographers and TV operators rush to the N. Lemayev Square to capture mesmerising photos of the city here.

TAIF-NK's signature style of New Year site design

It is noteworthy that employees of TAIF-NK JSC create all this beauty themselves. The N. Lemayev Square was decorated for the first time almost 15 years ago. Over this time, workers of the oil refinery have managed to surprise the citizens with the most incredible ideas creating miniatures of the Eiffel and Pisa towers, Big Ban, a symbol of Brussels Atomium, Spass Tower of the Kazan Kremlin and other in the centre of Nizhnekamsk.

Numerous certificates and awards for victory in the municipal competition for the best New Year Tree site design prove the enterprise workers’ big professionalism. This year isn’t an exception, the employees of the oil refinery were given the deserved award for the creation of the festive atmosphere in Nizhnekamsk in the city administration at executives’ first weekly meeting. According to the competent jury, the New Year decoration in the N. Lemayev Square became the best in Northern Lights nomination.

“I would like to express separate words of gratitude to our industrial enterprises that traditionally participate in the preparation for New Year: TAIF-NK for the decoration of the N. Lemayev Square. The originality of the design, use of illumination and lighting architectural solutions by our specialists were highly appreciated not only by citizens of Nizhnekamsk but also were repeatedly noted by guests of our city on the New Year holiday.”

Summing up the topic of New Year holidays, Aydar Metshin added that thanks to joint work with backbone enterprises Nizhnekamsk becomes a comfortable city with a high-quality life.

Social policy as one of priorities

TAIF-NK always pays special attention to social assistance and charity. So on New Year’s Eve workers of the company visited disabled children with gifts. A festive atmosphere reigned in the event, while the kids constantly smiled.

Representatives of TAIF-NK congratulated those who didn’t manage to come to the celebration due to health issues at home.

The kids’ parents, in turn, expressed their great gratitude to the employees of the enterprise for the attention paid and constant care for special children. They consider that such events help bring children together, give them confidence and put them in a good mood.

Children of the enterprise’s employees received gifts and sweets by New Year too. Thousands of kids visited a performance and received long-awaited gifts from Slavic version of Santa Claus Ded Moroz and his granddaughter Snegurochka, or Snow Maiden.

Social policy is an important component of TAIF-NK JSC’s business. Employees of the company and their families are confident about stability and the future. Housing programmes, targeted help to veterans of war and labour, needy families and people with disabilities, support for culture and sport are a priority.

The company regularly holds tennis, paintball, football, volleyball, winter sports competitions and relay races with Director General Rushan Shamgunov’s support. The employees go to the gym, swimming pool and ice rink during the year.

Understanding the scale of social responsibility to its workers and citizens of Nizhnekamsk, TAIF-NK does its best to improve the quality of life in the region by actively participating in the organisation of urban events and big environmental campaigns. According to Director General Rushan Shamgunov, social responsibility is a basic principle that helps the enterprise successfully perform all manufacturing tasks. This is why TAIF-NK will keep sticking to the policy adopted and remains a company with high social responsibility.

Affiliate report

By Liliya Yegorova

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