Ilshat Gafurov: ‘We were like a cook who prepared soup, borshch, pelmeni and then mixed them all’

On 10 May, the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov appeared in the air of Public television of Russia (OTR) in the program 'The big country'. They discussed the ranking of the University in the global scene, its experience in the merging, as well as the University's achievements in the field of oil extraction and medicine. The online newspaper Realnoe Vremya publishes the shortened transcript of the TV program.

'About 80% of students stay on the territory of our country'

Pavel Davydov: 44 thousand students, 400 educational programmes, 150 world-class laboratories, the largest campus in Russia, 3200 foreign students from 91 countries. All these — the Kazan Federal University. The oldest educational institution in Russia, which in 2014 celebrated its 210 years. For many years, the University takes the leading position in domestic and international educational space and recently appeared in the new ranking — top 200 European universities.

From the classics to innovations, from an applicant to a graduate, from outstanding scholars to the university culture — we will discuss these today with our guest. In the studio of 'The big country' is the rector of Kazan University Ilshat Gafurov. Ilshat Rafkatovich, good afternoon.

IlshatGafurov: Good afternoon.

Davydov: For two centuries the Kazan Federal University has achieved such results and heights so that its graduates rightfully can call their diploma as 'golden' one. By the way, we have designated the topic of out discussion like that. Could you tell us, for more that 200 years has the status of a student changed in some way?

'During this period, tremendous changes have taken place. In general, the University itself has changed and has undergone different periods in its history, although it never changed its mission — it has always worked on the education system of our country first and foremost.' Photo:

Gafurov: You know, during this period, tremendous changes have taken place. In general, the University itself has changed and has undergone different periods in its history, although it never changed its mission — it has always worked on the education system of our country first and foremost. But if to answer your question directly, I must say that today, of course, we receive absolutely other applicants and, accordingly, we have completely other graduates. They, as the youth say, are more guided by the specific activities in their life, and studying on the 2-3 courses, they almost know where they are going to work. And, of course, the educational programmes, particularly in their variable part, correspond to that.

Davydov: Two centuries for the University, and for any institution, I think, is a very long time. Of course, some traditions are transferred from year to year, from decade to decade. Coul you tell us a little about it?

Gafurov: You know, during this period the University transformed several times, of course. First of all, a huge transformation was in 1917, when was the revolution and the structure of the University changed. Then, the enormous changes occurred in 1930 and, probably, up to 1950s, when a range of our today's leading educational institutions separated from the University and became independent, including the Kazan Aviation Institute, Kazan Chemical-Technological (Kazan National Research Technological University – editor's note), and the Kazan Medical University. In fact, the institutions of the Kazan centre of RAS were also formed on the basis of our University. Well, the tremendous changes took place in 2010, when in the result of the merger we have received the status of Federal University. Many universities, previously worked independently, have united again, and we became the Kazan Federal University. Accordingly, since 2010, a new corporate culture of the University is being formed, new educational programmes are being opened, sites for technology transfer and, of course, those federal target programmes in which we participate contribute to this, and it is good that we win the right to participate in these programmes. First of all, it is the programme '5 Top 100' – it is the getting of five Russian universities in the top 100 of the global rankings. We became competitive and, accordingly, started to take the position in the market of educational programmes not only in our country but in the world.

Davydov: Could you tell us, how often do your graduates leave their alma mater, home city, region and go abroad?

Gafurov: Not so many people stay in the University because there are not many vacant posts and they are taken on a competitive basis. Many, of course, about 80% of students stay on the territory of our country, in different cities.

'We have become a certain corporation — educational-scientific-technological'

Davydov: Kazan Federal University. It sounds profound, rich history — we have understood that. As for the directions and educational programmes, the fields of study, departments — what do you put the main emphasis on? What departments are most popular and what is the main one for you?

Gafurov: You know, I'll start, perhaps, with the fact that since the formation of the Federal University in 2010, we realized that such large university like ours cannot compete in the world in all directions, and we have chosen certain priorities. When choosing these priorities, we based on the assumption that they should be demanded by business, society and the state, both within the country and abroad. This suggests that our graduates who study under these programmes also will be in demand everywhere. I can name the main directions. It is oil refining, oil production and oil exploration, it is new materials, information technologies, and, of course, medicine and pharmaceuticals. Almost all institutions in our university are in demand. At least, the competition which we experience every year proves it. Although we enrol about ten and a half thousand students every year.

Almost all institutions in our University are in demand. At least, the competition which we experience every year proves it. Although we enrol about ten and a half thousand students every year

Davydov: For several years we hear such beautiful words as 'import substitution', not everyone understands its value, but almost everyone says about it. I know that your university is the developer of new directions, including in the field of import substitution. You even have the results. Tell us about them.

Gafurov: You know, as an educational institution, first of all, when we talk about import substitution, we should talk about our educational programmes. Basically, the fact that our graduates are in demand and they work around the world, suggests that we give a good education, as our graduates are in demand. On the other hand, you rightly noted, we are implementing projects on the 218 decree of the Russian Federation, — I will remind you, the decree is about the cooperation of the leading companies with leading universities — we have created a range of products, I will list them briefly: first of all it is, of course, new catalysts for the petrochemical industry, another project — the development of deposits of heavy bitumen. The technology of the development, the mining technology, developed through our partnership with the company Tatneft can be used on the platforms of other companies. Moreover, I think that many technologies that we have developed in this field, in the field of the logging of wells, where mostly imported equipment are used, we are substituting with our own developments, but not only developments, today we make these products ourselves.

We have created a range of products <> new catalysts for the petrochemical industry, the development of deposits of heavy bitumen. The technology of the development, the mining technology, developed through our partnership with the company Tatneft can be used on the platforms of other companies

Davydov: The University was included in the state register of objects of the special cultural heritage of the peoples of the Russian Federation, is a historical and architectural monument of Russia, a tourist attraction. Could you tell us, how has it all affected the work of the University and even its educational programme?

Gafurov: It just promotes the formation of the university culture and careful attitude to the cultural heritage. Of course, it does not affect directly the educational programmes, the scientific research. At the same time, it is an object of attention and attraction not only by the tourists but also enrollees and their parents. Moreover, our most famous people studied there: Vladimir Ulyanov-Lenin and Leo Tolstoy — yes, many people who studied in our University studied in this main building.

Davydov: Our audience ask: you graduate the medical staff as well — do you have the possibilities to do it?

Gafurov: You know, we have all possibilities, oddly enough. Having organized the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology a few years ago, we gained the license for training, including for clinical work, doctors, dentists. Except pediatrics, we prepare in all directions. We have a powerful laboratory, the fact that we have a very good fundamental education in the field of Chemistry, Physics and Biology, what is necessary today to train a good doctor, contributes to this. At the same time, we are one of the few classical universities in our country, which has its own clinical base. We have the clinic at 840 inpatient beds, also, we have our own clinic where we serve 50 thousand citizens.

'We have a powerful laboratory, the fact that we have a very good fundamental education in the field of Chemistry, Physics and Biology, what is necessary today to train a good doctor, contributes to this. At the same time, we are one of the few classical universities of our country, which has its own clinical base.' Photo: Maksim Platonov

'People with different cultures, with different approaches to the same problems suddenly united'

Davydov: Also, the viewers are interested in how often the scientific works of your students are published in the international journals? Is your school recognized abroad?

Gafurov: In general, today even main publications are not affiliated with only one author, they are always made by a group of scientists, including senior students, especially our master students and graduate students. Today, we are in the journals that are included in the database Scopus Of Science in 2015, we published about 2300 articles. Behind each of these articles is a huge work. Therefore, our school is recognized and it helps to move us forward in the global rankings.

Davydov: Much is said today about the educational reform in Russia. Has the Kazan Federal University felt somehow the consequences of it? This question is also from our viewers. It is an urgent, painful issue.

Gafurov: In 2010, we were the university, I mean the Kazan State University, on the base of which, in fact, seven universities that previously worked independently have merged for a short time, for 1.5-2 years. Much energy resources have been spent for the formation of the joint university corporate culture — what is the most important. That is, people with different cultures, with different approaches to the same problems suddenly united. We were like a cook who initially prepared soup, then borshch, pelmeni, and then suddenly poured it all and mixed. And she had to make a dish that would be normal to eat.

In fact, seven universities that previously worked independently have merged for a short time, 1.5-2 years. Much energy resources have been spent for the formation of the joint university corporate culture

Davydov: Ilshat Rivkatovich, thank you so much for finding the time and coming to us from Kazan. And I wish the status of the diploma would not be diminished, its importance only would increase in the world, and most importantly, the golden diploma would be replaced by the platinum one. Is it possible?

Gafurov: Of course. Thank you very much for the invitation, the interest and the questions you asked. I think it will contribute to the transformation of our diploma into the platinum one.

Davydov: Thank you very much. Our guest was the rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov.

Prepared by Mariya Gorozhaninova. Photo:

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