Yakov Geller: ‘Skoblionok is still my friend, for ever!’

The head of the Agency of the State Procurement, Investment and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan is going to put an end to the ‘Jewish’ discussion

A public dispute between two famous representatives of the Jewry of Tatarstan is continuing. The head of the Agency of the State Procurement, Investment and Interregional Relations of Tatarstan Yakov Geller appeals to avoid national division of people saying how much the Jews suffered. His text was an answer to the head of the Jewish National and Cultural Autonomy of Tatarstan Mikhail Skoblionok's second post.

'Are we probably messing about?'

I have a double feeling from our public talk with Mikhail Skoblionok. Undoubtedly, no words, which were even published in a newspaper, might break our good relationships and friendly embrace. I am not afraid of it. We both know how affectionate we are towards each other. Skoblionok is still my friend, for ever!

It is all about fear. Taylor's formula says that, 'Person perceives what he or she understands'. For this reason, there is no point in teaching integrals to the first grade – kids should learn the multiplication table first. And despite G-d's covenant with Abraham (the first Jew), G-d gave the Torah via Moses after twelve generations.

In addition: 'A person walks around Odessa and sees two Jews who are talking to each other. He stood next to them, listened to their conversation and said 'Ah, don't mess me about!' and having waved away, went.' Is our conversation understandable for listeners? Aren't we messing these busy people's heads about?

'Jews go not only 'Where' but also (and, first of all!) 'Whence'. Jews always went 'Whence'. Photo: mikhaelkatz.livejournal.com (Shtetlech, beginning of the 20th c.)

'Whence' Jews are escaping

All in all, having got over these fears, I will allow myself another phrase. Moreover, readers express their willingness to 'continue the banquet' in comments.

Well, I totally agree with Mikhail Skoblionok as soon as I perceive his coordinate system. There is no subject-matter of the dispute. His statement is perfect: Jews go to a place where they could make money and where would be a good (normal) attitude to them. Once again: I don't disagree with it and I am not going to do it. I am speaking about another thing.

To start with, Jews go not only to 'Where' but also (and, first of all!) 'Whence'. Jews always went 'Whence'.

Whence Egypt escaping a racking tax jackboot of a pharaoh who introduced an especial taxation for Jews. The tax amount was enormous and impossible.

Whence Spain after the Reconquista in the 15th century. At that moment, Jews were baptized in fear, became marranos or escaped settling in the Balkan mountains, South Africa and Ottoman Empire.

Whence Germany in the 18th century when a division into 'useful' and 'useless' Jews and 'family enumeration' was introduced and only the eldest son could get married, the rest was doomed to celibacy or out you go! The Jews, who had not 'family numbers' went to England, Holland, France, America and Russia from Austria and Germany.

Victims of Jewish pogrom in Kishinev, 1903. Photo: mikhaelkatz.livejournal.com

Whence Russia after pogroms in Odessa and Kishinev in 1905, escaping the pale of settlement and requirements for admission to educational establishments.

They escaped from the created by Stalin Red Zion – Far Eastern ghetto' — Jewish Autonomous Oblast whose capital was Birobidzhan. Forty degrees of frost, swamps and short summer made the stay there impossible for the majority of people.

They went whence a Soviet 'camp' at the end of the 20th century to Israel, America, Australia.

These examples are the most popular for our readers. You can google if you want to know more. There are many interesting facts there.

Jews go 'Whence'. President Putin invited them 'Whence'. He invited them in answer to their complaints and fears of the appearing and resurgent warlike anti-Semism in Europe, which was both traditional and caused by the migration of millions of refugees from Near East countries. In this term, as I suppose, Jews may not think over two stimuli (money and peace) at the same time. Each stimulus is to be considered separately as a self-reliant for the conservation of life.

'For me it is much more important that the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov supports our 'mishpocha', finds funds to help with the organization of the event of Jewish culture and repair work in the synagogue.' Photo: Maksim Platonov

'I remember how matzo was forbidden to be baked'

Secondly, a question of indicators arises. Yes, I agree that our salaries are not comparable with the European. Easy money cannot be made like in the 90s. But there are other indicators. Indicators of a good (normal) attitude to Jews. It is the crossing where Skoblionok and I split in the public conversation. I think the fact that Jews don't have any 'Jewish' overtax, the second and other sons can get married, pale of settlement is not introduced, sons are not forcedly taken to recruitment aged 12, there is no division into 'useful' and 'useless', no requirements for education and other 'special Jewish privileges' are not applied is enough. In historical terms, neither Jews, who were converted to Christianity nor their children could become officers only 100 years ago. It was only 100 years ago! And now we have been living in a new Russia for 25 years.

It is enough for me! I have been living for a long time. I remember how matzo was forbidden to be baked for Easter, how a synagogue of my town was destroyed, how we were forced to change our names and surnames and Hebrew teachers could not teach and were sent to jail. I remember who refuseniks were and knew people who suffered from Doctor's plot. I remember I could not go to Bulgaria for holidays. The phrase 'Go to your Israel and command there' is still ringing in my ears. It was an answer to any remark or even advice. I remember many things as if it all happened yesterday.

It is enough for me to live in a country where there are not especial privileges and a special requirement for Jews. I think it should be enough for those Jews who might think over Putin's offer. To tell the truth, I don't think that if a Jew will be designated as the Ministry of Sports of Tatarstan, it will be a sign of tolerance and benevolence to the Jews.

For me, it is more important that the President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov supports our 'mishpocha' (Editor's Note: the entire family network of relatives or friends), finds funds to help with the organization of the event of Jewish culture and repair work in the synagogue.

For me, it is important the names of Jewish celebrations of Passover, Rosh Hashanah and Hanukkah are marked in time in the agenda of the government of the republic. I don't feel ashamed to be a Jew.

As it was stated in a famous letter-answer to write Margarita Aliger in 1950:

'The people is immortal! It shall bring forth
New Maccabees as an example for the future.
And I am proud, I am proud and do not regret,
That I am a Jew, comrade Aliger.'

(Jewish Culture and Identity in the Soviet Union by Yaacov Ro'i, Avi Beker)

This poem was written by Mendel Rashkovan in 1947, a person who was a machine-gunner during the war as well as my father from start to finish.

'You may envy us'

I understand Mikhail Skoblionok! Believe me, I often hear such arguments as: the Jews account for 20% of Nobel laureates but only 0,2% of the population of the Earth. Even before the holocaust, their population made up only 0,7%. It means that if the Jews account the same 20%, it would be more beneficial for the management of the country, administration of enterprises, institutes and other bodies.

'I will tell you: Jew is not a title, indulgence, brand, quality seal. We are just people like people.' Photo: prav.tatarstan.ru

I will tell you: Jew is not a title, indulgence, brand, quality seal. We are just people like people. It is not necessary to designate a Jew as a minister to show a good attitude to our people.

Meanwhile, Mikhail Skoblionok and I will make a toast to this conversation. You may envy us.

By Yakov Geller

Yakov Geller – the director general of the Agency of the State Procurement, Investment and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan.

  • Yakov Geller was born on 13 March 1950 in Zhytomyr. He graduated from Kama Polytechnic Institute.
  • After the graduation, he worked as s master in Electroizmeritel Plant in Zhytomyr.
  • In 1976, he moved to Naberezhnye Chelny where he worked as a master of the Local Building-Utilities Administrator Office.
  • From 1980, he acts as deputy head of the Administration on Exploitation of Dwelling of Municipal Housing Administration. 11 years later, he headed the Administration.
  • Yakov Galler has been the director general of the Agency of the State Procurement, Investment and Interregional Relations of the Republic of Tatarstan since August 2002.
  • Yakov Geller is an honourable worker of Urban Engineering of Russia and Tatarstan.