Bird flu will leave Tatarstan without eggs, 450k hens and private poultry factory

Products from the infected factory is withdrawn from shops, other poultry complexes can also suffer

All hens are destroyed in Laishevo poultry complex. All-Russian Animal Breeding Scientific and Research Institute in Vladimir confirmed a presupposition of Tatarstan veterinaries about a bird flu epidemic in the poultry factory. The experts detected a highly pathogenic H5 virus in the hens. Hens and eggs of the poultry factory that are already on sale are being withdrawn. Experts of Realnoe Vremya tell that after due heat treatment infected products are not dangerous for people. However, farm workers contacting with sick animals can be infected.

Diagnosis confirmed: high pathogenic A flu

All-Russian Animal Breeding Scientific and Research Institute in Vladimir confirmed a presupposition of Tatarstan veterinaries about a bird flu epidemic in the Laishevo poultry factory. Main Veterinary Administration of Tatarstan told Realnoe Vremya that the results of the analyses came on 10 May morning.

''Unfortunately, the information was confirmed. A high pathogenic H5 virus was detected,'' Main Veterinary Administration of Tatarstan commented Realnoe Vremya.

Director of Laishevo poultry complex Eduard Shigapov refused to comment the epidemic. Photo:

The beginning of the epidemic in the poultry factory became known on 8 May by a letter of the State Veterinary Administration of the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers to heads of districts and directors of regional veterinary associations. The letter says a genome of A virus was detected in the poultry factory. The diagnosis was made by the Tatar Interregional Veterinary Laboratory on 7 May 2017. However, the materials were sent to the All-Russian Animal Breeding Scientific and Research Institute in Vladimir for confirmation.

Director of Laishevo poultry complex Eduard Shigapov refused to comment the epidemic.

''All livestock is destroyed''

As the regional administration of Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance commented Realnoe Vremya, all animal products of the poultry factory will be destroyed.

''According to the order, if flu is detected, all livestock is destroyed,'' Director of the Department of the State Veterinary Surveillance of the Tatarstan Administration of Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance Idris Gatin commented Realnoe Vremya.

As Main Veterinary Administration of Tatarstan told, the products will be burnt. According to preliminary information, we are talking about 450,000 hens. The products that are already on sale are being withdrawn.

''When the suspicion of the flu virus started, we ordered to withdraw all products from shops,'' Alsu Nurullina, press secretary of Tatarstan Main Veterinary Administration, says.

As Realnoe Vremya told, the products of the Laishevo poultry factory that were not sold out was sealed off in warehouses. It is 1 million eggs.

As for the very poultry complex, Laishevo Poultry Complex CJSC is not among any biggest agricultural holdings (Chelny Broiler and Ak Bars Holding enterprises are the largest local players) but belongs to some Viktor Pashkeyev. Some Ruslan Naterprov was his partner previously. Net sales revenue was 433,6 million rubles. Net profit totalled 2,1 million rubles.

Interfax analysts called Ak Bars Poultry Complex CJSC from Lenino-Kukushkino from Pestrechinsky District the direct rival of the enterprise.

Laishevo Poultry Complex CJSC is not among any biggest agricultural holdings. Photo:

Migrating birds or incorrect food caused flu

Earlier it was known that not only the products of the Laishevo poultry factory were withdrawn from Tatarstan shops. State veterinary inspectors of Alekseyevsk District examined markets and supermarkets of Chistopol where they found products made by Evrodon CJSC from Rostov Oblast where bird flu was also detected. Over a tonne of meat, not chicken but turkey, was withdrawn from sale and sealed off. Now they are finding out whether this lot of Rostov turkey is infected with the flu and how products from the quarantine region could appear in Tatarstan avoiding all cordons.

Experts are also finding out how the flu virus appeared in Laishevo. There are two variants – infected food and migrating birds. Main Veterinary Administration told Realnoe Vremya that the version of migrating birds is considered the most probable one.

Rumours about bird flu virus came about as early as March

Apart from Tatarstan, bird flu virus was detected in Moscow and Rostov Oblasts. We should note that previously Tatarstan Veterinary Administration experts denied the information about died poultry in the republic due to the flu.

At a press conference in March 2017, Director of Department on Animal Epidemic Countermeasures of the Main Veterinary Administration of the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers Aleksandr Kozlov told that ''Tatarstan is a safe region, these diseases were registered neither in 2016 nor this year''. According to Kozlov, a ''responsible approach to vaccination'' of the hosts of animals impedes infections from spreading.

In March 2017, Aleksandr Kozlov told that ''Tatarstan is a safe region, these diseases were registered neither in 2016 nor this year''

Kozlov noted flu erupts due to an ''uncontrolled delivery of either live cattle, poultry or products infected with some disease''.

''There is often an illegal sale of poultry in Kazan. Any illegal fairs and sale of such products carry a risk that bird flu can arise in the yard or people can be infected,'' the functionary said.

Flu is not dangerous if you cook correctly

Aleksandr Kozlov noted bird flu is usually not dangerous for people.

''Nowadays we have a big number of subtypes and strains of this virus,'' the functionary noted. ''H5N8 virus is spread here. It is not dangerous for people. But no doctor can ensure that flu doesn't mutate and people won't get sick,'' Aleksandr Kozlov said.

As senior infection disease doctor of Tatarstan Khalit Khaertynov commented Realnoe Vremya, the danger of the bird flu for people depends on the type of the virus.

''Birds usually have their own virus, pigs – their own. When there is mutation, people also can become ill. Everything depends on the agent,'' Khaertynov says.

The infected products are safe for people after well heat treatment. Workers of poultry farms who directly contacted sick animals or dressed chickens have more chances to be infected.

Livestock of laying hens of Laishevo Poultry Complex CJSC is 400,000. It manufactures up to 130 million eggs a year. Photo:

''It is a big loss, many other poultry complexes can also suffer''

Laishevo poultry complex made goods with the name Derevenka. According to the page of the company, the company is one of the big agricultural poultry enterprises in the Republic of Tatarstan. Livestock of laying hens of Laishevo Poultry Complex CJSC is 400,000. It manufactures up to 130 million eggs a year. The products were sold in all big trade chains of Tatarstan.

''It is a big loss, many other poultry complexes can also suffer. It is flu, it is difficult to avoid an infection. It is like kids: if one is sick, others contract after him,'' says Ildus Madyarov, head of Zalesny agricultural company.

According to Madyarov, Tatarstan has five big poultry farms including Laishevo – Chelny Broiler, Ak Bars Pestretsy, Ak Bars poultry complex making products called Yaratelle (which is also located in Laishevo District), poultry factories in Bugulma and Leninogorsk Districts. The latter are part of ORTEKS Group.

By Daria Turtseva

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