TGC-16 invests a record-breaking sum in the repair campaign

TGC-16 energy company is planning to attract about one billion rubles for repair of equipment, buildings, and facilities in 2017. However, it is only part of the funds that the company invests in its upgrade annually. What works the company carries out to improve its energy efficiency and what success has been achieved by constantly upgrading and introducing new power — read in the article of Realnoe Vremya.

About one billion rubles for the repair program

In November, it became known that next year TGC-16 energy company, a subsidiary of TAIF PSC, is planning to attract more than 55 million rubles from the general maintenance fund, amounting to about one billion rubles, for the repair of buildings and facilities alone of its branch Kazan CHPP-3. This is evidenced by the recently announced tender for these repair works on the territory of the station. According to information published on the portal of public procurement, the contract must be concluded not later than on December 30, 2016, the initial (maximum) price of the contract with the contractor is 55.4 million rubles. This information has been confirmed by the company. ''The solution to this problem, as well as the implementation of the whole complex of programs on repair and modernization, is intended to ensure the effective implementation of the strategy of TGC-16 JSC on updating of fixed assets. This will allow the company to increase reliability and to maintain efficiency in changing conditions of the functioning of the market of energy and power,'' commented Director General of TGC-16 Eduard Galeyev to Realnoe Vremya.

The repair of Kazan CHPP-3 — only a small part of the systematic work in the field of energy saving and increasing energy efficiency of the company. TGC-16 is continuously working to maintain stability and reliability of their equipment. So, in the past year alone on the repair campaign and capital construction it was spent a record-breaking amount of money — more than 7.1 billion rubles. The total investment volume in modernization, reconstruction and overhaul of Kazan CHPP-3 and Nizhnekamsk CHPP-1 from 2010 to the beginning of activity of the enterprise — amounted to more than 13 billion rubles.

только за прошедший год на ремонтную кампанию и капитальное строительство была направлена рекордная сумма денежных средств – более 7,1 млрд рублей

In the past year alone on the repair campaign and capital construction it was spent a record-breaking amount of money — more than 7.1 billion rubles

The execution of the scheduled repair ensures a reliable functioning of the power equipment of the company in the autumn-winter maximum load periods when the energy consumption increases significantly. So, this year it has been planned the overhaul of three energy boilers with a total steam capacity of 1380 tonnes per hour and two steam turbines with a total capacity of 205 MW. Today, almost all planned works have been completed, the final stage is to be completed in the third week of December. The total cost of the equipment repair this year reaches 951.6 million rubles.

In total, it is planned to attract about one billion rubles for repair of equipment, buildings and facilities in 2017, the company informs. 763.8 million rubles have been allocated for the works carried out by contracts. At the moment, the repair purchases with a total amount of 440 million rubles have been completed. In December, it is planned to carry out trade and procurement procedures for the remaining scope of work.

в 2017 году на выполнение ремонтной программы в целом планируется привлечь порядка миллиарда рублей

In total, it is planned to attract about one billion rubles for repair of equipment, buildings, and facilities in 2017

Electricity generation will increase three times

Today, the company is actually nearing completion of the comprehensive modernization of the station at Kazan CHPP-3. At the end of 2014, jointly with Kazanorgsintez PJSC the reconstruction of outdoor switchgear 110 kV with the construction of the 5th and 6th sections of tires was held. This allowed to provide Kazanorgsintez with two independent power supply sources. Thereby a number of shutdowns of a consumer's equipment have been significantly reduced. Besides, the construction stage of a gas turbine superstructure of the station through the installation of the gas-turbine installation with a capacity of 388.6 MW produced by General Electric company is nearing completion. In mid-December, it was completed the alignment of the shafting of the turbine and the generator, adjustment of the oil system, the turbine has been put on rotation from barring device. According to Director General of TGC-16 Eduard Galeyev, the successful implementation of this phase is an important operation in the preparation of the gas turbine unit to the first test launches. This closely approximates the construction project to its successful completion.

This project will allow to increase the efficiency of the station, giving the station greater flexibility, reliability and to reduce specific emissions into the environment. The actual installed capacity will be doubled, and power output with the same heat consumption is expected to grow three times. The commission of the gas-turbile installation will provide a high level of reliability of the power system, including in the period of FIFA World Cup in Kazan in 2018.

Сегодня компания фактически приближается к завершению комплексной модернизации станции на Казанской ТЭЦ-3

Today, the company is actually nearing completion of the comprehensive modernization of the station at Kazan CHPP-3

Summarizing, we can say: the course on modernization and technical re-equipment, continuous improvement of technological processes allows to reduce production costs, to maintain reliable and uninterrupted heat and electricity supply and to ensure the interests of the consumers.

By Alina Gubaidullina. Photo: Maksim Platonov

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