Voldemort’s apprentice and a nanny for Gen Z — what unusual vacancies are offered by employers?

And what could be hiding behind them

Voldemort’s apprentice and a nanny for Gen Z — what unusual vacancies are offered by employers?
Photo: Максим Платонов

Warehouse Wizard, Voldemort's Apprentice and Nanny for Gen Z — these vacancies made it into the top most unusual offers in the rating compiled by the hh.ru service specifically for Realnoe Vremya. Despite such intriguing names, they hide quite ordinary positions and responsibilities. Read about other interesting vacancies and what could be hiding behind them in a report of the newspaper.

Top 3 unusual vacancies

Warehouse Wizard position topped the rating of unusual vacancies. They are ready to pay him from 150 to 210 thousand rubles. The hh.ru service provided Realnoe Vremya with such data.

Despite the intriguing title, the candidate's duties are quite ordinary: unload and sort goods in the warehouse. However, the employer offers a very atypical schedule. In addition to the standard 2/2, 1/3 and other options, there is a flexible schedule: “Work as much as you want,” the vacancy says.

In general, the job description contains several references to the Harry Potter universe, which can also be called unusual: “We pay wages in rubles, not leprechaun gold. It will definitely be enough for a deposit in Gringotts,” “we pay bonuses for referred friends. If they are also wizards, we will be happy to assign them to a suitable faculty”, “free lunches and dinners in our Great Hall” and so on.

Despite the intriguing title, the candidate's duties are quite ordinary: unload and sort goods in the warehouse. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

The next unusual vacancy continues the theme of the universe of the Boy Who Lived, and sounds like Voldemort's Apprentice — his salary will be from 70 to 190,000 rubles. The position of a realtor is hidden behind this name.

“Why is the vacancy called Voldemort's Apprentice? We are testing your humour. And this vacancy is a springboard for beginners. Employees come to us who know nothing about the real estate industry. And in six months they already become experts in this field! Previously, you could work as a salesperson, courier, accountant, athlete, dancer, or you were also a student. But now you can change your life, and our company is ready to share its experience with you. In general, we have already invented the wheel. Let's go?” follows from the description.

Nanny for Gen Z also entered the top unusual vacancies. She is offered a salary of 250,000 rubles. In fact, the applicant will have to manage a young team of baristas aged 18 to 23. Among the requirements is the ability to “speak the same language with Gen Z”: “If you know what a respawn is, check out memes and are ready to explain the rules of work through TikTok references, that’s a plus.”

Salary for an applicant with minimal experience — up to 6.2 million per month

However, it’s not only in the job titles that there are various unusual things. In general, experts divide such rare offers into several categories:

  • vacancies with unusual names;
  • vacancies with unusual tasks or conditions;
  • vacancies with unusual “goodies” and bonuses from the employer;
  • vacancies with an unusual and often suspicious level of income.

For example, the last type includes a vacancy for a real estate sales broker — they are offered from 350,000 to 6.2 million rubles. At the same time, the applicant must have only a minimum of one year of experience. Between the lines in the publication, there is also an offer to undergo training within the company.

For example, the last type includes a vacancy for a real estate sales broker — they are offered from 350,000 to 6.2 million rubles. Елизавета Пуншева / realnoevremya.ru

Another type of unusual offers includes a vacancy for a sales manager. With comparable requirements and conditions (1-3 years of experience and from 120,000 rubles per month), the employer uses a creative grading system. For example, for large deals, an employee is awarded the title God of Sales.

There are also offers where the employer simply mixes the functionality of the sought specialist with the tasks of another. For example, the employer also requires sales skills from a treatment supervisor.

What is behind the “tasty” vacancies?

Unfortunately, not all unusual vacancies are honest and real employers. Often, scammers can hide behind an interesting shell. They act on behalf of an organization, a private recruiter or an employment agency. The following act as a “bait”:

  • unusually high salary — a real business will not overpay an employee;
  • no requirements for experience, documents and education;
  • a promise to train on courses of this company for employment;
  • a simplified employment scheme with a minimum number of documents or too frequent payments of money, for example, once a day;
  • a promise that now you will open a business, start working for yourself, and not “for the man,” and immediately take a course for a happy life.

There are several main “red flags” by which you can figure out that the vacancy was published by scammers.

Flag No. 1 — asking for money

Scammers ask for money for preliminary training, work clothes, special tools, paperwork, passing a medical examination, or providing employer contacts.

There are several main “red flags” by which you can figure out that the vacancy was posted by scammers.

Flag No. 2 — an offer for quick money

Such offers include payments without an employment contract every four hours, buying bots in Telegram that will trade for you on the stock exchange for hours, trading courses, “people's mutual aid funds” when you invest 1,000 and get 10,000. However, all of these are financial pyramids. In them, only the founder of the “business” receives income, and not ordinary participants.

Flag #3 — illegal activity

A common fraud scheme is to lure the victim into illegal or dubious activity by deception. In reality, applicants are offered jobs in underground casinos, erotic or occult services, etc. Easy money obtained in this way can result in criminal prosecution.

Flag No. 4 — extortion of personal data

Some scammers ask for a scan of your passport or other documents at the beginning of the interview, or give you a very detailed questionnaire to fill out, in which you must provide information about close relatives, their income, or other contact information. In such cases, you need to be careful and cautious.

Some scammers ask for a scan of your passport or other documents at the beginning of the interview. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

Most likely, this is a fraudulent company. In such a business, they will not sign a contract and will not pay money. The goal of these companies is to extort your personal data. Then they are sold to spammers or used in a matter of hours to empty the client's bank account, open credit cards, etc. If this happens, you need to stop communicating.

A real employer does ask for documents to sign a contract. However, this happens at the final stages of hiring.

Flag No. 5 — an offer of simple remote or home-based work

A fraudster can, for example, ask to assemble structures according to a sample, process audio materials or scan texts, comment and like, leave reviews for 50 thousand rubles a month.

Routine operations of the company are more likely to be organized in-house — it is cheaper, and simple work with texts and audio is perfectly performed by artificial intelligence, which does not need to be paid money. If there are new automation technologies, companies usually strive to use them rather than hire people — it is more profitable.

Flag No. 6 — an offer of strange methods of payment

Conscientious employers use direct payments through the bank. In extreme cases, through proven intermediary services that have positive reviews on the Internet. If a company offers to transfer earnings through a dubious unknown intermediary, about whom there is no information on the Internet, and independently withdraw money from there to a card, most likely, this is phishing.

Conscientious employers use direct payments through the bank. Михаил Захаров / realnoevremya.ru

Flag No. 7 — agitation to leave employment and open your own business

Scammers promise that in a short time they will teach you how to run your own business and a person will be able to earn money in a network business. However, only the top of the network receives real money.

Experts note that there are also conscientious entrepreneurs in the network business, but you can’t earn mountains of gold in a short time in such companies.

Flag No. 8 — refusal to conclude an employment contract

Such employers offer black wages without formalizing an employment contract. However, after a month or more, they say goodbye to the employee without providing the promised payments.

Such employers offer a black salary without formalizing an employment contract. However, after a month or more, they say goodbye to the employee without providing the promised payments. Динар Фатыхов / realnoevremya.ru

Flag No. 9 — offering a large unpaid test assignment

In this case, the company takes the order, breaks it down into parts and forces candidates to complete it under the guise of a test assignment. Then the company asks to send it by email, and then refuses to hire. After this, the employer looks for a new contract, and everything repeats.

It never comes to signing a contract with the company. Such vacancies are usually very attractively designed and have a large number of views.

Yelizaveta Punsheva

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