Kazan enterprises owe workers 34 million rubles
294 organisations in Kazan “lost” part of their salaries

294 organisations paid salaries below the minimum wage
As of 1 November 2024, the salary arrears to 356 Kazan workers amounted to 34 million rubles. This was reported by the deputy head of the Kazan executive committee Ildar Shakirov at Business Monday meeting.
The city and territorial commission for improving the standard of living of the population, labour and legalisation of income for the year reviewed the financial and economic activities of 614 organisations. During the inspection, it turned out that 294 of them paid salaries below the minimum wage, as a result of which 175 workers had to pay additional lost money.

Since the beginning of the year, Kazan has reduced wage arrears by over 26.5 million rubles to 288 employees.
In Kazan, the most dangerous sector to work in is manufacturing
In addition to the accounting problem, the risk of injury to workers is also relevant. In Kazan, the largest number of industrial injuries was recorded in the manufacturing sector (15 cases), followed by trade and services (six cases), construction (four cases), and transport (two cases).
Most often, injuries occur due to falls from a height (13 cases), mechanical damage (10 cases), and road accidents (two cases). Analysis shows that the main cause of injuries from falls from a height is the lack of fences, failure to use personal protective equipment, as well as insufficient strength and stability of scaffolding, decking, cradles, and ladders.

The largest number of safety violations in Kazan were recorded in Kirovsky and Moskovsky districts. They are followed by Aviastroitelny and Novo-Savinovsky and then Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts.
The inspections revealed the following typical violations: unsealed technological openings in the ceilings, failure to comply with safety regulations when installing electrical equipment (distribution boards, switches, cables), improper use and storage of gas cylinders, lack of fences on balconies and under hanging cradles, unsafe installation of lifting mechanisms, operation of lifting equipment without commissioning, unorganized storage of building materials, including on the roofs of utility rooms.
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