Erik Beishembiev: ‘We can't abandon our Tatar brothers — we have to support them!’

Kyrgyzstan's Consul General in Kazan talks about the 100th anniversary of the Kyrgyz Republic, cooperation with Tatarstan and participation in the BRICS Summit

Erik Beishembiev: ‘We can't abandon our Tatar brothers — we have to support them!’
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

Kyrgyzstan is launching more than 100 industrial enterprises and 100 social facilities on the occasion of the centenary of its republic. At a briefing on 14 September, Consul General of the Kyrgyz Republic in Kazan Erik Beishembiev spoke about the celebrations and the development of economic and cultural ties with Tatarstan. Read about what areas have mechanical engineers, oil workers and textile workers of the two republics begun to cooperate in, how much has trade grown and when will the monument to Chingiz Aitmatov be unveiled in Kazan in a report of Realnoe Vremya.

“We were dress everyone in Soviet times too”

Tatarstan and the Kyrgyz Republic are currently discussing the implementation of many major investment projects, said Consul General of Kyrgyzstan in Kazan Erik Beishembiev answering a question from our newspaper: “Now, in particular, we are working directly with KAMAZ. We have opened several dealer companies for the sale of its products.”

According to him, active cooperation is currently underway within a tripartite agreement signed between the Ministry of Economy and Industry of Kyrgyzstan, KAMAZand Virazh LLC (the official dealer of GAZ commercial vehicles in the Kyrgyz Republic). There are plans to open serial production of the Tatarstan auto giant in the Central Asian country.

At the same time, cooperation is developing in the agro-industrial sector, especially in terms of using the latest Tatarstan scientific developments for farmers. Several companies from the two regions have established business ties in the light industry. In particular, the Tatarstan company Alga agreed to create a sewing production facility to manufacture its products in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Tatarstan and the Kyrgyz Republic are currently discussing the implementation of many large investment projects. Динар Фатыхов /

“We used to dress everyone in Soviet times, and now our light industry is a very developed sector. We sell our products to almost all countries. Our suits, both women's and men's, are easily sold throughout Russia.”

More than a hundred enterprises in honour of the 100th anniversary of Kyrgyzstan

New cooperation between Kyrgyzstan and Tatarstan oil workers is also planned. Thus, according to the consul general, when the 25th meeting of the Intergovernmental Kyrgyz-Russian Commission and the 11th Interregional Conference were held in Krasnoyarsk, an action plan was prepared based on the results of the meeting. “According to it, we need to work out the supply of crude oil to our Dzhunda oil refinery located near Bishkek. And now we will work out this issue with Tatneft, we will see. There have been no meetings yet, but this work is ahead,” Erik Beishembiev told Realnoe Vremya.

Kyrgyzstan is ready to export cement to Tatarstan from its new plant, which is due to open soon. “We had no problems with cement at all. When there was a construction boom, we supplied our cement to Kazakhstan. Then, due to the fact that both here and in the region as a whole, including Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, there was a shortage of cement, so there was a need to build new production facilities. I think we will probably be able to hold talks and establish this work with Tatarstan as well.”

The briefing itself was dedicated to the launch of the program to open 100 enterprises in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region and the 33rd anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's independence. The consul general emphasised the importance of the programme and its impact on the socio-economic development of the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic, the popularisation of the historical and cultural heritage of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, as well as the strengthening friendly relations between Kyrgyzstan and Tatarstan.

The briefing was dedicated to the launch of the programme to open 100 enterprises in honour of the 100th anniversary of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region and the 33rd anniversary of Kyrgyzstan's independence. Динар Фатыхов /

“This year we celebrate the centenary of the creation of Kyrgyzstan as the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region — the revival of the once lost Kyrgyz statehood. The path to revival was long, difficult and accompanied by intense political struggle. The existence of our current state is the result of the wisdom and heroism of our great ancestors who protected and preserved the Kyrgyz land like the apple of their eye from ancient times. During its long historical path, the Kyrgyz state has either strengthened or disunited, without losing its worthy place in Central Asia,” Erik Beishembiev read the words from the decree of the president of the Kyrgyz Republic on the celebration of the centenary of the formation of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region as of 24 October 2023.

The Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region was formed in the RSFSR in 1924 with a territory of 195,000 square kilometres and a population of 737,000 people where the Kyrgyz accounted for 63.5%. In honour of the 100th anniversary, more than 100 new industrial enterprises and more than 100 social facilities are scheduled to open throughout Kyrgyzstan. This “underlines the desire of the Kyrgyz Republic for economic development and improving the quality of life of our citizens,” said Erik Beishembiev.

According to him, 44 enterprises in the real and social sectors have already opened since the beginning of the year. In particular, five new enterprises will be launched in Batken region, including two mini-hydroelectric power plants, a paper bag production workshop, coal mining enterprises and the beginning of work on the development of the Chakush deposit. A mini-plant for the production of reinforced concrete products is opening in the Talas region, which will contribute to the development of the construction industry in the region. Osh region is launching eight facilities, including a municipal sewing workshop, an asphalt plant and two plants for the production of building materials. Chui region plans to open 13 enterprises, including a construction materials plant, a packaging plant and an oil refinery. Landmark facilities will also appear in Issyk-Kul, Naryn and Jalabad regions.

“By the end of 2024, it is planned to open more than 130 industrial and social facilities in the republic. These initiatives are aimed not only at developing the economy but also at improving the living conditions of our citizens, creating new jobs and strengthening the social infrastructure,” the consul general stressed.

The opening of new enterprises, according to him, is the key to the development of Kyrgyz society and its future. With the support of all interested parties, the republic will be able to achieve its goals, he added. As for the development of business relations with Tatarstan, the trade turnover at the end of last year reached $150 million and continues to grow. “Moreover, $110 million is import from Tatarstan and about $11 million is the Kyrgyz Republic, that is, Tatarstan is in the black,” he explained.

When the Chingiz Aitmatov monument will be unveiled in Kazan

The Consulate General of Kyrgyzstan in Kazan opened this February, and now it has become much easier for Kyrgyz citizens living in the Volga region to resolve their issues, said Erik Beishembiev:

“If earlier our citizens had to travel to Moscow, now they no longer have to travel anywhere. 7 out of 14 Volga regions were given to us: Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Udmurtia, Mari El, Mordovia, Chuvashia and Ulyanovsk Region. The remaining seven remained under the jurisdiction of our embassy. But even those citizens who live in Samara, Penza or Orenburg, which were not included in our consular district, apply because it is closer for them to travel to us anyway. And we, naturally, receive and serve everyone.”

Erik Beishembiev has not yet been to other regions of the consular district. According to him, it has not been possible to make these visits yet due to the many major events that have taken place and are planned in Tatarstan itself. There were meetings with the mayor of Kazan, heads of the republic's districts, the Muslim Religious Directorate of the Republic of Tatarstan. Sports events, the Games of the Future, the BRICS Games have taken place, and now the BRICS Summit is coming.

With the opening of the consulate general, it has become much easier for citizens of Kyrgyzstan living in the Volga region to resolve their issues, said Erik Beishembiev. Динар Фатыхов /

“There is an event after an event. We cannot leave our brothers, friends of the Tatars — we must support them in their joy, so we took part with our delegation, we also came,” he explained.

The anniversary celebrations on the occasion of the centenary of Kyrgyzstan in Kazan itself were originally planned to be held in October, but were postponed due to the BRICS Summit. “Due to the fact that there will be a very large influx of guests, their own programme at the political level, there will be no time for us. I think we will postpone it a little, but in any case, this event will be held.”

In addition, it is planned to hold Kyrgyz Culture Days in Tatarstan by the end of the year, and our republic will be able to hold a similar event on Kyrgyz soil next year. The conversation also turned to perpetuating the memory of the outstanding Kyrgyz writer Chingiz Aitmatov whose mother was a native of Kukmor District, Tatarstan.

“Rustam Minnikhanov has a very warm attitude to this topic, he himself always roots for it. He asks and is interested all the time. I think the monument will be opened, it seems that the Ministry of Culture has decided on the location, organisational issues remain — the composition, the parameters to determine. The commission will decide if it will be a bust or another monument. In general, as they decide, maybe next year or in a couple of years they will erect a monument to our common writer in Kazan,” said Erik Beishembiev.

Vasilya Shirshova

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