8.8 million rubles allocated for DertFest 2024 modern Tatar culture festival

On the City Day — August 30 — the Kazan Kremlin hosts the DartFest 2024 festival, a large-scale event uniting modern Tatar culture. This year, 8.8 million rubles are allocated for its implementation.
Large and small stages will be equipped for festival visitors, and a fashion show will be held. There will also be a family playground and an exhibition of Tatar design.

What awaits the guests?
- A playground will be open near the Kul Sharif Mosque from 12 pm to 6 pm. Three theatrical and musical performances from 30 to 60 minutes, as well as 12 games and master classes have been prepared for children.
- From 2 pm to 4 pm, a fashion show takes place — at least 10 pieces of clothing and accessories from Tatar designers will be presented at it.
- From 5 pm to 10 pm, artists perform for the festival visitors — there will be at least 28 of them in total. All of them will represent modern musical genres and trends in the Tatar language.
Eight master classes will be held on the family playground, each one is given an hour. The Ministry of Culture told Realnoe Vremya that the choice of artists comes from a completed tender, but the organisers of the events plan to invite musicians and musical groups already known to the public.
Last year, many creative associations performed at the festival, such as Yummy Music, Juna folk band, Gauga rock band and many others. Besides, the event was attended by the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov.
For information on how the cultural event took place in 2023, see the photo gallery of Realnoe Vremya.

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