Tatarstan attracts 609bn rub to the budget — almost half more than a year earlier

Tatarstan attracts 609bn rub to the budget — almost half more than a year earlier
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

Tatarstan is the leader in terms of mobilised income among the regions of Volga Federal District

In the first five months of 2024, the consolidated budget of Tatarstan received 205.1 billion rubles. Of this amount, 173.2 billion rubles were allocated to the republic's budget, and 31.9 billion — to local budgets. This was announced at a press conference yesterday by Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan Alla Anfimova.

The overall plan for 2024 for revenues to the consolidated budget is 423.9 billion rubles. The plan for today has been fulfilled by 48.4%. Compared to the same period last year, the amount of revenue increased by 25 billion rubles, or 13.9%.

According to Anfimova, by the beginning of summer, 609.4 billion rubles of tax and non-tax revenues had been mobilised from the territory of the republic — this is by 41% more than a year earlier. Revenue mobilisation is the activities aimed at attracting additional revenues to the budget. Of the total amount of mobilised revenues, 66% went to the federal budget, and 33.7% — to the consolidated budget of the republic. By mobilised revenues, Tatarstan is the 5th in Russia and first in the Volga Federal District.

Among the main sources of income — corporate income tax (32.6%), personal income tax (28.5%), and corporate property tax (10.1%).

The volume of non-tax revenues from January to May of this year amounted to 17.8 billion rubles. Of these, 13.9 billion rubles were allocated to the budget of Tatarstan, and 3.9 billion rubles were allocated to local budgets. Revenues from this section to the consolidated budget of the republic increased by 9 billion rubles relative to the same period last year.

“Thus, the execution of the consolidated budget of the republic for tax and non-tax revenues for the five months of 2024 is generally characterised by positive dynamics compared to the same period last year, which allowed us to ensure the fulfillment of expenditure obligations in full planned volume," the speaker summed up.

Largest section in expenses — socio-cultural sphere

Deputy Minister of Finance of the Republic Gela Gerasimova told about the expenses in the consolidated budget of Tatarstan. According to her, they amounted to 193.2 billion rubles, 157.9 billion went to the regional budget and 76 billion to the local budget.

During the same period, 40.7 billion rubles were allocated to local budgets from the consolidated budget of Tatarstan. The plan for the year is 75.8 billion rubles.

The largest section in the expenditure item, according to Gerasimova, was the socio-cultural sphere — 57% of the total expenditure. The amount is 62.8% of the annual plan of the consolidated budget of the republic.

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Social policy is the second in terms of expenditures — 66.7 billion rubles were allocated from the consolidated budget to this area. Another 37.9 billion rubles are spent on healthcare and 9.4 billion rubles on culture.

Over the five months of the year, 4.9 billion rubles were allocated from the federal budget to Tatarstan, of which 3.7 billion were allocated to subsidise the reconstruction of airport facilities. In total, in 2024, revenues in the amount of 72.3 billion rubles are planned from the federal budget to the consolidated budget of the republic. Of these, 85% are allocated for subsidies for co-financing regional projects and programmes.

“The received revenues to the consolidated budget made it possible to fully and timely pay salaries with accruals, finance the planned expenditures of budgets of all levels for January-May," the speaker stressed.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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