‘Terrible riding’: a record number of deaths in motorcycle accidents in five years in Tatarstan

Representatives of motorcycle communities and motorcycle clubs were invited to the State Traffic Inspectorate to discuss the problem of accidents on the roads

‘Terrible riding’: a record number of deaths in motorcycle accidents in five years in Tatarstan
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

At the beginning of the 2024 motorcycle season, there has been a sharp increase in road accidents involving motor vehicles. In the first five months, 46 road accidents were recorded, as a result of which eight people were killed and 48 were injured. These figures are approaching last year's statistics, when the total number of accidents was 69 — with 3 dead and 73 injured. Why the traffic police decided to actively take control of motorcyclists — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“One of the reasons for the increase in accidents is the decline in the culture of motorcyclists' driving”

After the last month of the motorcycle season, statistics show that not all road users are fully aware of the danger of injury in accidents. This point was announced at a round table meeting of the State Traffic Inspectorate with representatives of motorcycle communities and motorcycle clubs.

“The motorcycle does not have a passive safety system. In case of an accident, even a small collision can lead to serious injuries," Airat Samigullin, the deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Tatarstan, began his report.

Since the beginning of the season, eight people have already died in motorcycle accidents — a record number in five years. Here are all the indicators for accidents:





















2024 (April, May, June)




“In one of the accidents that occurred at the beginning of the motorcycle season, three people were killed at once. The motorcycle was in slicks, which are forbidden to use in the rain. Please pay attention to that there are negligent sellers in the motorcycle community who pursue only one goal — to sell faster and earn money. We are not even talking about super sums, but, on the contrary, about pennies that cost someone their lives," the speaker raised the issue of low-quality components.

Реальное время / realnoevremya.ru

“Besides, both vehicles were with cancelled registration. We know that this generates one thing — impunity, because fines do not come to these drivers. One of the reasons for the increase in accidents is the decline in the culture of motorcyclists' driving," he noted.

In turn, the leader of the MotoGymkhana Kazan motorcycle club, the head of Safarmotors motorcycle school, Ilshat Safarov, urged to understand that not all drivers are violators. He stressed that their number is small — only about 5-7%. Motorcycle clubs are usually aimed at safe driving and represent responsible road users. And the behaviour of those who violate traffic rules should not cast a shadow over the rest, Safarov said.

“I can fully agree with what is happening on the roads now: This is an increase in accidents, terrible riding, the appearance of motorcyclists without driving skills," Yury Shilov, the deputy director of Red Square Chapter Russia motorcycle club, confirmed.

More registered motor vehicles — more accidents

In 2024, 14,437 motor vehicles were registered in the traffic police, an increase of 926 units, in 2022 — +581, in 2021 — +265.

“If you pay attention to the statistics for the last four years on the growth in the number of registered motorcycles, you can see a surge in activity. Such a number of motorcycles has not been recorded before. An increase in Chinese products is especially noticeable," Samigullin noted.

“Parents ask the question: “Isn't a helmet enough?"

The meeting also discussed the possibility of child driving, as parents buy minors their first pitbikes, buggies or mopeds. Their young owners often become victims of accidents.

“This equipment is often purchased for children so that they can move in places off the roads. But anyway, children, by virtue of pampering, begin to go out on dirt roads, and later on public roads. When parents with children come to school, they often ask the question about equipment: “Isn't a helmet enough?" You need to understand that it protects only the head, but not the neck and other parts of the body," said head of the motorcycle school Safarov.

Динар Фатыхов / realnoevremya.ru

But the representative of the motorcycle shop has a different opinion.

“Almost 100% of customers buy equipment in our dealerships. At the time of purchase, no one refuses to do this, parents always insist. But when children start riding on their own, especially in this heat, they start to take it off. First it's the motorboats, then the turtle, and finally the helmet. And this becomes the responsibility of the parents," explained Mikhail Gomberg, a representative of the dealership of Capitan chain of motor vehicles stores.

Residents of Kazan complain about the noise

Since the beginning of the year, employees of the State Traffic Inspectorate have filed 108 administrative-level materials for exceeding noise. Subsequently, the registration of vehicles was cancelled.

Реальное время / realnoevremya.ru

“Since the beginning of the motorcycle season, complaints have been coming from citizens, especially from those houses that are located along the main transport arteries — on Universiade Prospekt, Salimzhanova, Gorky Highway, Pavlyukhina and others.”

Samigullin recalled that it is simply unacceptable to use exhaust systems designed for racing in the city.

Renata Valeeva

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