Kazan airport to purchase chips and soda for 7.5 million

Kazan airport to purchase chips and soda for 7.5 million
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

The airport chooses only one brand of chips

Kazan Gabdulla Tukay Airport is investing 7.5 million rubles in the purchase of juices, soda, mineral water, tea and chips. In total, the list includes more than 32 different purchase positions. However, the air harbor does not specify exactly what quantity of goods they need. Everything will be purchased as the necessity arises.

The list of sodas includes the following drinks:

  • Evervess Cola;
  • Frustyle Lemon-lime;
  • Frustyle Apelsin;
  • Evervess Apelsin;
  • Legenda Baikala;
  • Adrenaline Rush;
  • Aqua Minerale.

The list of juices includes:

  • J7 juice;
  • J7 nectar;
  • I juice;
  • I nectar;
  • Lyubimyi juice-containing drink;
  • Lyubimyi 100% juice.

If there is a wide variety of drinks, then the choice of chips is quite modest. At the airport, they want to see only one specific brand, and that's Leys chips.

At the airport, they want to see only one specific brand, and that's Leys chips. Динар Фатыхов / realnoevremya.ru

The project documentation indicates that the quality of the goods must comply with the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological legislation, GOST standards, technical regulations of the Customs Union and the Russian Federation and must be confirmed by certificates of conformity, declarations of conformity, certificates of state registration and other documents issued by authorised bodies.

Besides, the airport requires that the supplier of the goods itself bring it to the air harbor. Moreover, not all the goods at once, but in separate batches and at the request of the customer.

Also, representatives of the supplier must take on the responsibility of unloading the goods directly onto the conveyor of the introscope installed by the customer. At the same time, the dimensions of the transport container must not exceed 65x45x55 cm (LxWxH), and the gross weight of one place should not exceed 25 kilograms.

The tender documents note that the delivery time of the goods should not exceed 24 hours from the date of receipt of the application. At the same time, it is allowed to supply a similar product that is not inferior in its characteristics and quality to the product indicated in the table.

How dispensers with free water disappeared at the airport in March

In March of this year, it became known that dispensers with drinking water disappeared on the territory of the Kazan International Airport named after G. Tykay. Previously, they could be seen in secluded places at the entrance to the waiting room: they stood either somewhere on the side when moving from one terminal to another, or somewhere in a secluded place of the waiting room.

As one of the top managers of Kazan Airport explained, they had dispensers with Raifa Spring water, but during the Hajj, Muslims complained that they could not drink this water for their religious beliefs, said the representative of the airport. According to him, one of the pilgrims allegedly wrote a complaint to the management of Kazan Airport, demanding that free halal water appear in the air harbor instead of or together with Raifskaya water. As a result, the administration met their wishes and removed all dispensers with cylinders of Raifa Spring from the territory of the airport complex.

The airport denied the lack of free water. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

However, free halal water never appeared either. The representative of Kazan Airport, in a conversation with the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya, made it clear that now it is better for believers to buy the water themselves and at their own expense that meets their religious beliefs. Later, the airport's press service denied the incident, saying that this case was in the distant 1990s. However, it should be added that the trademark Raifa Spring was registered only in 2005.

Alexander Zaripov

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