Breath of the Arctic to cover Kazan on New Year’s Eve

Breath of the Arctic to cover Kazan on New Year’s Eve
Photo: Platonov

The festive night in Kazan is going to be frosty in a New Year's special way. Yuri Perevedentsev, Professor of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology, and Atmospheric Ecology at the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management of the Kazan Federal University, told Realnoe Vremya about this.

“The weather will now have an unstable character, which is determined by the North Atlantic cyclone and atmospheric fronts. There are constant fluctuations in temperature and pressure. Today (December 28 — editor's note), the weather is 4 degrees below zero and tomorrow it will be the same. Daytime temperatures are about 5 degrees below zero, night temperatures are 8 degrees Celsius. There will be warming again on Saturday and Sunday. The weather on December 31 will be generally good — mild frost, light snow. And on the night of January 1, there will be a sharp drop in temperature again, as the cyclone will move to the east, and Arctic air will come to its rear, " Perevedentsev explained. Platonov

According to his forecasts, temperatures will drop to -10 degrees Celsius, and on Monday afternoon it will become even colder.

“The frost will already be -12...-15 degrees Celsius in the daytime, and at night 16-17 degrees below zero," said Peredeventsev.

However, in his opinion, there is nothing terrible or abnormal about this.

“A usual winter temperature. I remember in 1978-1979, the frost was 45 degrees in Kazan on the night of the first day. Now the temperature is going to approach the climatic norm of -9...-10 degrees Celsius," the meteorologist added.

According to the long-term forecasts of the Hydrometeorological Centre, January in Tatarstan is expected to be within the climatic norm, which means normal winter weather: there will be frosts and snow, Perevedentsev concluded.

Galiya Shakirova

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