Tatarstan food outlets’ turnover reaches 55bn rubles

The turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in Tatarstan totalled 55 billion rubles in January-October 2023. Compared to the same period last year, it rose by 17.2%, according to the Russian Statistics Service.
Tatarstan became leader in turnover of food outlets among 14 regions of the Volga Federal District. Samara Oblast (38.8 billion rubles) is second, Nizhny Novgorod (34 billion) is third, Bashkortostan (32.7 billion) is fourth, Perm Krai (30.2 billion) is fifth.
Three regions outran Tatarstan in the Volga region in growth pace of turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants. It is Bashkortostan (+22.5%), Nizhny Novgorod (+21.5%) and Samara Oblast (+20.5%)

The turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants in the Volga Federal District in general in January-October 2023 is 295.68 billion rubles. It increased by 14.2% compared to the same period last year.
It should be reminded that in January-September 2023, the turnover of bars, cafes and restaurants of Tatarstan was assessed at 48.8 billion rubles. It is 18.1% more than during the same period last year.
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