Rustam Minnikhanov on assistance to paediatric patients: ‘It is unbearable for regional budgets’

A congress of Russia’s children rights ombudsmen is taking place in Kazan. The work with parents will intensify in Tatarstan to protect childhood

Rustam Minnikhanov on assistance to paediatric patients: ‘It is unbearable for regional budgets’
Photo: courtesy of press service for

The Russian Congress of Children Rights Ombudsmen dedicated to children rights in health care is taking place in Kazan. Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov, the Russian president’s authorised official for children rights Maria Lvyova-Belova, Vice Prime Minister of the republic Leyla Fazleyeva and others participated in the forum. The importance of work with children and their parents was raised during the event. Read more in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

“It is unbearable for regional budgets”

Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov outlined key priorities in children health care in Tatarstan. Now the work is done to reduce the children and infant death rate, prevent children disabilities, promote good health and increase the life quality.

Also, Minnikhanov also stressed the importance of the work of a fund support children with severe life-threatening and chronic diseases, including rare ones, named The Circle of Kindness. He noted that last December the age bracket of such support recipients increased from 18 to 19 years according the country’s president’s instruction.

“It would be significant and important that this support apply for adults too. In fact, it is very hard, at times unbearable for regional budgets to provide such patients support. People above this limit turn out in a difficult situation. It is hard even for our region, which isn’t at the bottom in terms of incomes,” he noted.

Photo: courtesy of press service for

“I am sure that at the end of the congress we will be able to elaborate specific proposals and recommendations to improve hot-button issues in childhood protection. Of course, the institution of ombudsmen for children rights has a special place in the system of guarantees of the protection of children’s rights and interests,” the rais of the republic noted the key area of the national strategy.

Photo: Punsheva

Tatarstan is going to work with parents to protect childhood

The government of Russia received about a thousand petitions about the protection of children’s health. Most of them were about medicine provision and medical care. The president’s authorised official for children rights Maria Lvyova-Belova talked about this.

“Most of them are about the provision with medicines, treatment for diseases, urgent hospitalisation. We understand that we cannot say everything is too bad here and nothing works at all. But in any case we have local specifics, human factor, specifics of budgets,” she answered Realnoe Vremya’s question about more troubled areas in children health care.

Photo: courtesy of press service for

According to Vice Tatarstan Vice Premier Leyla Fazleyeva, the same issues were topical in the republic. She expressed her hope that some novelties would appear after the congress ends.

“It is certainly the issues related to children’s medical care, medicine provision. And preventive measures aimed at health promotion is a no less important matter. Also, I think that one of Tatarstan’s tasks will be related not only with the work on childhood but also with parents, those, as we understand, are the main protection for a minor in this world. Those incoming proposals that will be created during the congress, I think, will become the foundation for a series of novelties,” Fazleyeva emphasised.

Photo: courtesy of press service for

Attendees of the meeting thanked doctors for their hard work, dedication and love for kids.

“A hospital is a difficult place. On the one hand, it is a place where a child feels pain, lonely but it is also a place of cosiness, hope, confidence in the future. We are pleased to see not indifferent doctors who don’t stay on the sidelines: walls with pictures, children’s toys and flowers,” noted Belova.

Photo: courtesy of press service for
Yelizaveta Punsheva

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