Crisis 2022: more businesses closed than created in Tatarstan

Crisis 2022: more businesses closed than created in Tatarstan
Photo: Platonov

Ten thousand companies have been liquidated in Tatarstan, 9,8 thousand — registered

As Realnoe Vremya found out, more legal entities have been liquidated than registered — 10,053 and 9,800 respectively — since the beginning of the year in Tatarstan. At the same time, both in terms of the number of companies created and the number of companies that have ceased to exist, the republic ranks first among 14 regions of the Volga Federal District.

The most noticeable difference is in the number of liquidated and registered companies in Bashkiria, neighbouring Tatarstan. There are by 5,4 thousand more legal entities that have stopped working than those who started it: 9,557 and 4,136, respectively.

Photo: Ivanov

The number of liquidated legal entities exceeds the number registered in almost all regions of the Volga Federal District. The exception is Ulyanovsk Oblast. In January-November 2022, 1,569 companies were registered there, 1,368 were liquidated.

In general, 35,185 legal entities have been registered in the Volga Federal District for 11 months. This is one and a half times less than the number of companies liquidated during this time.

Twenty-five times more companies have been registered in Tatarstan than in Mari El

For 11 months of 2022, 9,8 thousand legal entities were registered in Tatarstan. Of these, the absolute majority — 9,975 companies — are new, and the rest appeared in the process of reorganisation.

For comparison, almost 25 times more companies were registered in Tatarstan in January-November than in Mari El. In the neighbouring republic, only 394 companies appeared in 11 months — this is the smallest number among all the regions of the Volga Federal District.

Photo: Platonov

Tatarstan accounts for more than a quarter of all companies registered in January-November — 28%. Samara Oblast is the second, where 4,670 legal entities have appeared, Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (4,324) is the third, Bashkiria (4,136) is the fourth. Perm Krai rounds out the top 5 — 2,219 companies.

156 companies left the Tatarstan market due to bankruptcy

10,053 legal entities were liquidated in Tatarstan in 11 months. Most of them stopped their activities due to the exclusion from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities by the decision of the registering authority — 8,270. Of these, 6,864 — due to the presence in the register of information in respect of which an entry on unreliability was made, and 1,406 — as invalid legal entities.

In connection with the reorganisations, 132 Tatarstan companies ceased operations. This is 11 times more than in Mari El (12), but 2,7 times less than in Saratov Oblast (355).

Due to bankruptcy, 156 Tatarstan companies have stopped their activities in 11 months. More only in the Samara region — 181 legal entities.

Photo: Platonov

Tatarstan accounts for 18% of all legal entities liquidated in the Volga Federal District. In all 14 regions, 54,515 companies ceased operations in 11 months, of which 31,330 were excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities due to the presence in the register of information in respect of which an entry on unreliability was made.

Tatyana Demina

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