Kazan self-employed workers permitted seasonal trade

The Kazan Executive Committee made changes to the order of placing seasonal mobile trade points in the city and permitted self-employed people trade there. At the same time, the list of documents that need to be provided to participate in an electronic auction increased.
The information that municipal authorities were forced to make such a decision appeared late August. So the city administration of Kazan doesn’t allow entrepreneurs who have the status of self-employed workers to sell sites for seasonal trade in the city, which was revealed after a thorough inspection of the compliance with legislation when holding auctions. There was detected a number of violations of federal law On Protection of Competition. Workers of the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service sent a warning to the city’s Executive Committee demanding to make changes to the document on the order of placing seasonal trading points. 60 days were given to enforce the warning.

Self-employed workers are permitted too now
Earlier, according to the above-mentioned decree, only legal entities and sole traders were allowed to trade in seasonal mobile facilities. Now people paying professional income tax, that’s to say, self-employed workers are on the list too. The same procedures as for legal entities and sole traders are applied to them.

It should be reminded that according to a decree of the Kazan Executive Committee, the right to locate a mobile seasonal trading point is sold at auctions, therefore it is impossible to simply submit an application and obtain a permit. The auction is held by the Committee for Consumer Market of the Kazan Executive Committee together with the Tatarstan Agency for Public Contracts.
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