Regional project to modernise school education systems to cost 3.8bn this year

632 schools in Tatarstan require major repairs

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan has approved a regional project to modernise school education systems in 2022-2026. The Ministry of Education and Science will coordinate the implementation of the measures, and 3,8 billion rubles will be spent on them this year alone, 2,3 billion of which is allocated by the federal budget and 1,5 billion — by the budget of the republic. In the future, funding will be determined in budgeting for the corresponding year.

The project will be implemented within the framework of the state programme “Development of Education”, among its tasks — major repairs in schools, equipping these buildings with modern means of education, ensuring the regulatory level of anti-terrorist security, improving the quality of training of 50% of teachers and supervisors, as well as involving teachers, students and their parents to discuss design and other solutions for repairs. Another activity, in addition to the above, is the updating of 100% of textbooks and teaching aids that cannot be used due to their poor condition.

Photo: Maksim Platonov/

In general, as of January 1, 2022, 632 schools in Tatarstan require major repairs.

“This situation creates significant risks for the implementation of federal state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary general education, and in some cases contains potential risks to the safety of students in general education organisations," the document says.

Most schools are planned to be repaired in 2026 — 200

According to the programme's targets, 67 schools should be repaired in Tatarstan in 2022, of which only three are located in Kazan — Lyceum No. 131, school No. 173 and gymnasium No. 18. By the way, they all were ready by September 1.

In 2023, it is planned to repair half as many schools — 31 general education institutions in total. But in 2024, this number will grow 4,5 times, then the overhaul will be carried out in 140 schools. Most of all — 195 and 200 schools — will be repaired in 2025 and 2026, respectively. It is worth noting that anti-terrorist protection measures should be carried out in all schools.

Kazan spends the most on school safety

Let us remind that there are currently 3,317 educational organisations operating in Tatarstan. As for security, 3,674 objects have the corresponding passport. All educational institutions are divided into four categories of danger objects and territories. In Tatarstan, 94 educational objects belong to the first category, 212 objects belong to the second, 1,799 objects belong to the third category, and 1,569 objects belong to the fourth category. As it was reported to Realnoe Vremya in the Tatarstan Ministry of Education and Science, about half a thousand objects can be transferred to a lower category of danger.

Photo: Maksim Platonov/

If we touch on the topic of money, then this year Kazan has spent money the most on improving the security level of educational institutions — the installation and repair of fences, gates alone cost more than a billion rubles at 376 facilities. Another 58,2 million were spent on the installation of checkpoints at the entrance to the territory of institutions. And the equipment on the ground floor of the security room with the installation of video surveillance systems in them cost 39,7 million rubles at 215 objects.

Besides, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov decided to allocate 1,4 billion rubles in 2022 for the physical protection of educational institutions. It is carried out by employees of private security organisations with a license, who are attracted on a paid contractual basis. It is worth noting that PSCs mostly work only from 7 am to 7 pm, and the watchmen are on duty at night.

Daria Pinegina

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