Wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan grows by almost 17%

Wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan reaches nearly 974 billion

In January-April 2022, the wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan reached nearly 974 billion rubles. It is 16,6% less than during the same period last year when it was assessed at more than 812 billion, Realnoe Vremya has calculated after analysing the data of the Tatarstan Statistics Service.

The lowest wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan during the first four months of 2022 was registered in January. It was 211,6 billion rubles, rising by 24% compared to the first month last year — in January 2021, it was estimated at 160,6 billion.

In February 2022, the wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan exceeded 239 billion rubles. Compared to the same month last year, the growth amounted to almost 22%.

This March, the wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan was nearly 280 billion rubles. This is the biggest number for the first four months of the year. Comparing to last March, it rose by 16,8%.

The wholesale trade turnover in April was almost 243 billion rubles. It increased by almost 5% compared to the same month in 2021. Compared to last April, the wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan was 82,7%, says the Tatarstan Statistics Service.

Wholesale trade turnover in Tatarstan rises by 13%

The retail trade turnover in Tatarstan in January-April 2022 surpassed 381 billion rubles. Compared to the same period last year, it rose by 13,1%.

Non-food products account for a bi share — 221,4 billion rubles, or 55,4%. Compared to January-April 2022, the retail trade turnover in non-food products in Tatarstan grew by 11,1%.

Foods, including beverages and tobacco, held 170,3 billion rubles, or 44,6%, in the retail trade turnover in Tatarstan in early 2022. Compared to January-April last year, the number increased by 14,5%.

Vice Prime Minister of the republic and Tatarstan Economy Minister Midkhat Shagiakhmetov said that the retail trade turnover in the republic decreased by 10% in April 2022 compared to last year. A fall in non-food sales primarily of foreign origin explains this, he said. In particular, this refers to cars and spare details, clothes, shoes, pharmaceutical products, household appliances and smartphones.

According to the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the retail trade turnover in April was 95 billion rubles. Compared to the same month in 2021, it rose by 8,5%. The statistics of the service reads that the retail trade turnover during the first four months of the year totalled 87 billion rubles.

Tatiana Dyomina

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