How attractive Kazan for domestic tourists

How attractive Kazan for domestic tourists

The summer has given many sunny days to the residents and guests of Kazan. It is difficult to imagine better conditions for excursions and walking. And tourists did not hesitate to take advantage of this: during the hot season, by 17% more tourists visited Tatarstan and its capital than in the “pre-covid” 2019 year.

Figures and plans

Almost 70% of Russians said that they chose new destinations to travel around the country during the pandemic. For example, according to the results of a study of OneTwoTrip travel planning service, Tatarstan, and first of all Kazan, was visited for the first time by 3% of the surveyed tourists.

The same service has identified the top 3 most popular cities for business flights. The first, of course, is Moscow — there, during the summer, bookings for business trips amounted to 28%. Next is the Northern capital — 11% of travellers flew to St. Petersburg for work issues. The bronze and 3,8 percent of business bookings went to Kazan.

The service of booking accommodation for recreation also conducted its research. According to its results, Tatarstan rounds out the top ten destinations where Russians go on vacation in September. The leaders are Yalta, Sochi, and Abkhazian Gagra. But being on the same list with the resorts, where at this time there will be the height of the velvet season, is already a victory.

What is the attraction of Kazan

This summer, the State Committee of Tatarstan for Tourism, after interviewing guests of Kazan, came to the conclusion that they liked the local food, national culture, and historical sights the most.

At the same time, many tourists prefer to build their own excursion plan on their own. The city of a million people has a good transport infrastructure, and with proper route planning, you can see and photograph dozens of monuments and architectural masterpieces.

Moreover, since September 1, this can be done with additional benefits. Until December 31, passengers of public transport in Kazan can get a discount of 6 rubles when paying with a Mir card of any bank. You can travel at a reduced cost in a tram, trolleybus and bus, which are equipped with devices for receiving contactless cards. To get a discount, it is enough to attach a contactless Mir card to the terminal. Observing the terms of the promotion, in the next 4 months, Kazan residents and guests of the city can pay only 24 rubles for a trip. Travelling with a family or a large company, tourists will have the opportunity to buy magnets, national souvenirs or traditional chak-chak with the money saved.

Excursion Kazan

Tatarstan also appeared in the top 5 Russian destinations where strict coronavirus restrictions were not introduced. Therefore, in 2021, the demand for the Tatarstan direction increased by 17% compared to the “pre-covid” 2019. Almost 10% of domestic tourists have already made or intend to make a choice in favour of our region.

One of the motives for visiting the city is to get acquainted with its history. For travellers, hundreds of excursions are offered for every taste and budget. Their number is growing every year.

So, in honour of the 135th anniversary of the birth of great poet Gabdulla Tukay, the new tourist route “Life of Tukay” appeared in Kazan at the end of August, laid along the streets and iconic places associated with the life and work of the sun of Tatar poetry. The length of the route is about 3 km. The duration is about two hours.

The tour starts from the Tukay Square and ends at the Literary Museum of G.Tukay (74 Tukay Street). The public organization Oriental Club was located here, where Gabdulla Tukay was a regular guest and delivered his lectures and poems. One of the points of the route is the Klyachkin hospital (also V.I.Romanovs' Lavki, I.N. Zhuravlev's House). . This building on Ostrovsky Street, 11/6, is known for that Tukay was treated there and completed his life journey. The project “Life of Tukay” started on the Republic Day, and the tour was free in honour of the holiday on this day.

Ilgiza Nasibullina

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