Rustam Minnikhanov about cyber security: ''We are cheated a lot on these IT topics''

Tatneftehiminvestholding Board of Directors has studied the air conditioning system and subjected cyber security measures to examination

''Industrialists are frightened by some cyber attacks, demanding huge money from them. We will soon have security systems more expensive than the production itself!'' Rustam Minnikhanov was indignant at the influence of modern trends-myths, on which service IT companies earn much money. At a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of Tatneftehiminvestholding, the president of Tatarstan listened with irony to the presentations of know-how from representatives of foreign and domestic companies and tried to cool their fervor. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Quite a frosty reception was arranged to Moscow guests — representatives of Russian and foreign companies, who came at the invitation of the Tatarstan side to present their opportunities at the first summer meeting of the Board of Directors of Tatneftehiminvestholding JSC on June 25. One cannot say that the acquaintance with the ''new solutions for business'' was in vain for the members of the board, but they listened to them somehow without much interest and with a clear desire to finish boring reports as soon as possible.

About how TESSO wanted to surprise Tatarstan business

The first word was given to Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus holding Future Technologies of Air Conditioning Limited Vladimir Alpatov, who promotes the cooling system TESSO of domestic development in Russia. Its peculiarity is that they consume, according to the manufacturer, 2-10 times less electricity than traditional air conditioners do. The company's production facilities are located in the city of Perm.

TESSO is not used in Tatarstan yet, but it is used in railway transport and even in metro. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

''The problem of air conditioning is becoming more acute, and this is due not only to global warming, but also due to an increase in industrial facilities and the tightening of comfort requirements and standards of SanPiN,'' said Alpatov. ''In the world, 1 billion kWh of electricity is consumed annually on air conditioning. We have come up with a way to solve this problem.''

''Due to our air exchange, energy consumption is reduced from 2 to 10 times,'' said Alpatov. ''We have 10 times less costs for electrical equipment or supply of electricity. Everyone aims to reduce freon, but we do not have it at all. We have reliable operation: there is nothing to break. The only moving part is the ventilator. TESSO is not used in Tatarstan yet, but it is used in railway transport and even in metro.''

The president surprised us with Austrian ''wall''

However, the mentioned benefits of TESSO inspired few people. On the contrary, the president of Tatarstan surprised the guest with a story about what unusual technologies he saw in foreign trips. ''Two or three years ago we were in the office of a Austrian company, where there were a lot of technological things. But most importantly — the cooling system was a conventional wall. They do not cool the air through the ducts in the ceiling, but through the wall. Irek, what do you think?'' Minnikhanov invited head of the ministry of construction of Tatarstan Irek Fayzullin to join the conversation.

He also did not particularly admire the TESSO system, noting that similar developments in the exchange of air flows are used by the company FORTEX. Fayzullin said that as an experiment a few years ago two ice arenas in were equipped with traditional and innovative cooling systems. Of course, the savings were obtained on innovation, he said. In his opinion, the operating principles are similar, only TESSO uses other heat exchangers.

The president instructed the head of the ministry of construction of Tatarstan to act as a coordinator of the assessment of the effectiveness of these systems in Tatarstan

''If everything you say is true, even by half, then it is good,'' the president turned to the chairman of the Board of Directors of Future Technologies of Air Conditioning Limited. ''The biggest problem is high energy intensity. In the table you have indicated a reduction in energy consumption up to 5,5 times, and began with 10 times,'' Minnikhanov winked. ''Well, then, a decrease will be about threefold. ''The economy is up to 10 times — it is for the Arab region,'' Alpatov added.

Security systems will be more expensive than our own production soon!

Denis Ryzhov, Director of Yokogawa Electric Corporation solution centre, raised the topic of digitalization of industrial enterprises in his speech. He presented the means of automation of production, including the creation of digital twins. ''Without this, we cannot fully analyze all the parameters of complex production facilities and prevent critical situations,'' Minnikhanov agreed.

A revival in the audience was caused by the speech of Director General of Kazan ICL System Technologies (ICL ST) Aydar Guzairov. He reminded that from 1 January 2018, the Federal law No. 187 ''On security of critical information infrastructure of the Russian Federation'' came into force, which obliges owners of industrial enterprises to secure themselves from cyber attacks, to create systems for responding to cyber incidents and to transmit information about them to the State system for detecting, preventing and eliminating the consequences of computer attacks. The law provides for the implementation of three tasks: categorization of industrial enterprises, integration with the FSB and training of personnel. It covers 2,000 enterprises of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Aydar Guzairov reminded that a federal law that obliges owners of industrial enterprises to secure themselves from cyber attacks came into force on 1 January 2018. Photo: Maria Zvereva

Guzairov recommended not to delay the implementation of these requirements. ''The Ministry of Energy recommended to start work from August 1 with the completion of them by 1 August 2019,'' he said, proposing to create joint working groups that will develop programme proposals for the implementation of the project. Minister of Information and Communications Roman Shaykhutdinov confirmed that the fuel and energy complex enterprises in this sense are sources of increased danger.

This pressure a little surprised the president. ''We are cheated a lot on these different IT topics,'' he suddenly interrupted. ''They are clear only to a narrow circle of people. Now there are some attacks that require some huge money. We will soon have there security systems more expensive than the production itself!''

According to him, it is necessary to create a centre where the company could conduct an independent examination to clearly understand whether all this equipment is necessary, what software product to use and how much it should cost.

By Luiza Ignatyeva

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