Aleksey Pesoshin: ''CHPP-3's capacity can meet growing needs of Kazan in thermal energy''

50 years of warmth and light: Kazan CHPP-3 celebrates its half-century anniversary

The largest station in Kazan, CHPP-3, has celebrated its anniversary — 50 years since the thermal power plant entered the Russian power system. Over the years, the station has significantly increased its capacity, becoming the leader in the country for the production of electric and thermal energy in combined production. The event in the cultural and entertainment complex Piramida was held with the participation of Prime Minister of Tatarstan Alexey Pesoshin, representatives of energy industry, employees of the station and its veterans. Read more in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

Half-century frontier

Representatives of Tatarstan establishment and energy community gathered on June 9 in Piramida cultural and entertainment complex in Kazan. The occasion was significant and important for the republic – Kazan CHPP-3 celebrated its half-century anniversary, the chronicle of which began its countdown in 1968. All these years, the station has provided heat and light for Kazan, its residents, large industrial facilities of the republic, and it is an important link in energy structure of Russia.

History of Kazan CHPP-3 began in 1968

The turning point for the company was 2010, when CHPP-3 became part of the energy company of TAIF Group — TGC-16. The Tatarstan holding company in the shortest possible time adopted a new detailed programme of modernization of the station. Then it was just necessary to ensure its competitiveness, while keeping tariffs at a minimum level. The result of multi-stage modernization was a new powerful power unit, which has no analogues in Tatarstan. The station doubled the installed electric power and tripled the generation of electricity. At the same time, the problem of generating capacity deficit was finally removed in Kazan.

Thus, by the 50-year turn, Kazan CHPP-3 significantly increased the production, increased the level and culture of operation, reliability and efficiency of the equipment. Today the station is one of the most modern facilities not only in Tatarstan, but also in Russia, the performance indicators of its equipment are at the level of the best international standards.

One of the best in the country

In the hall of the concert complex there was a lively atmosphere. Representatives of the staff and veterans of the station congratulated each other on this significant date. The pioneers of CHPP-3 embraced, rejoicing at the meeting for the first time in several years, recalling the years given to native CHPP, and the highlights of their activities. The guests of the festival could see how the station developed thanks to an exhibition with historical photos, starting from 1968 up to the present day, and the models of CHPP-3 and 9HA.01 gas turbine plant, also placed in the hall, helped to understand how the heating plant is arranged.

Among those present, there were prominent representatives of the energy community. Director General of Grid Company OJSC Ilshat Fardiev got acquainted with the historical exposition. TGC-16 and Grid Company have been working together for a long time. Thanks to the joint efforts of their teams, an energy ring was created around Kazan and it was possible to solve long-standing problems related to the provision of energy supply to industrial enterprises in the first category of reliability.

In the hall of the concert complex there was a lively atmosphere

The official part began later in the concert hall. Tatarstan Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin and Director General of TAIF PSC Albert Shigabutdinov came to congratulate everyone on the event. Despite the fact that President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov could not come to the event and personally congratulate the heroes of the occasion, the head of the region conveyed his words of gratitude and warm wishes via video message.

''Dear colleagues! I heartily congratulate you on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of this enterprise in our capital,'' the president welcomed the audience, naming the station as an advanced enterprise. In the congratulation, the head of the republic appreciated the work of power engineers. ''For half a century, you have been providing the residents of our capital with heat and electricity. This is one of the most modern energy enterprises, which we have in the region. A deep modernization has been carried out. Today, according to its technical and economic indicators, the company is one of the best enterprises in our country. We are proud of your success,'' Rustam Minnikhanov stressed.

The head of the republic highlighted the work of power engineers in his congratulation

He also highlighted the special role of veterans of the station. ''On this day I would like to address to veterans of the enterprise who created this basis with words of gratitude and congratulations. And today the company operated well,'' continued Minnikhanov.

''I would like to thank TAIF Group, which is implementing these investment projects. And, of course, TGC-16, which combines energy capacities and today successfully competes in the energy market. I wish you success and prosperity,'' the president said.

The words of Rustam Minnikhanov are confirmed by the fact that this year the station has become one of the first pilot sites of Tatarstan on the implementation of the concept of Industry 4.0. As part of the modernization by General Electric company, Prediks system was installed at the CHPP, it serves to track and predict technical failures. Besides, this platform allows to minimize possible disconnections of equipment due to technological malfunctions.

The launch of GTU – a significant event for Tatarstan

After the opening speech of the head of Tatarstan, presenters of the celebration evening Grigory Vazhov and Marina Mikhaylova invited Prime Minister of the Republic Alexey Pesoshin on the stage.

''Over this historical period the company has passed a long difficult way, accumulated a wealth of experience, large-scale transformations have been carried out, highly qualified personnel have been trained. Today Kazan CHPP-3 manages to successfully solve the uninterrupted supply of heat and electricity consumers. The company uses the most advanced technologies in the energy sector,'' the prime minister began his solemn speech.

With the launch of GTU, the installed thermal capacity of Kazan CHPP-3 in hot water has increased significantly, which allows to meet the growing needs of Kazan in thermal energy for heating and hot water supply

He also noted the growth of the station's capacity. ''In 2017, there was a great event for the Republic of Tatarstan –CHPP-3 successfully launched a gas turbine unit produced by General Electric. With the launch of GTU, the installed thermal capacity of Kazan CHPP-3 in hot water has increased significantly, which allows to meet the growing needs of Kazan in thermal energy for heating and hot water supply. This is especially important in view of the construction of the new residential complex Salavat Kupere. Today, the main tasks facing the enterprises of the energy system of the republic is the sustainable development of the energy industry and improving the efficiency of work in the framework of the energy strategy of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan. I am sure that the team of Kazan CHPP-3 successfully cope with these tasks,'' Pesoshin highlighted.

''Employees of the company have always been distinguished by high professionalism and dedication. Dear veterans are present here today. I want to thank you for your personal contribution to the development of the energy sector of the republic. Your knowledge has helped to raise more than one generation of power engineers. I would also like to thank the management of TAIF Group and TGC-16 for successful and dynamic development of the company's enterprises, as well as all employees of KCHPP-3 for their daily and dedicated work for the benefit of people,'' the prime minister of Tatarstan thanked in conclusion.

Highest awards were presented to power engineers personally by Alexey Pesoshin

It is accepted to receive gifts on birthday. In honour of the round date, distinguished employees were awarded, the highest awards were presented to power engineers personally by Alexey Pesoshin.

Willful decision

Then the floor was given to Director General of TAIF PSC Albert Shigabutdinov. It is thanks to the efforts of the holding, the station today is among the leaders.

''Over the years of work, TAIF Group has implemented dozens of major projects, modernized production facilities, built new plants, produced products extremely necessary for the country. It is possible to write books, make films about all these projects – so many wonderful stories have already been experienced, so many of the most daring ideas have been implemented. Of course, to achieve such significant results, to develop industrial and economic potentials, it is possible only with a strong rear – reliable and uninterrupted power supply'' Albert Shigabutdinov addressed to the audience. He stressed that CHPP-3 is the enterprise that has not only worked steadily, but also actively developed over the years.

Albert Shigabutdinov stressed that CHPP-3 is the enterprise that has not only worked steadily, but also actively developed over the years

''However, it was not always so smooth and rosy,'' the head of TAIF remembered difficult for the station times. The period of the late '90s — early '00s was far from easy for the country. That time the under-financing of investment programmes of development and renewal of generating capacities amid reducing heat load of the large consumers, as well as their plans for the construction of their own CHPP questioned the very existence of the Kazan CHPP-3. A constant and significant increase in tariffs for energy resources against the background of the general lag of the technical condition of the power system of the republic from the requirements of the developing industrial complex of the republic led to a natural result — direct losses and a threat of loss of competitiveness, stopping and closing the largest industrial enterprises, including petrochemical and oil refining enterprises. This would have lead to a further deterioration of the state of energy enterprises, a catastrophic increase in tariffs for heat and electricity for the population, lost tax and other revenues to the budget, and an increase in social tension.

Fortunately, the leadership of the republic timely interfered in the situation: Mintimer Shaimiev, Rustam Minnikhanov supported the sale of the assets of the largest national companies – to TAIF Group and TATNEFT Group, which led to the preservation and launch of a new investment cycle in the power industry of Tatarstan. Thanks to this strong-willed decision of the government, investments of TAIF Group, implemented modernization programme, Kazan CHPP-3 has become one of the most effective stations.

Shigabutdinov continued the awarding ceremony of outstanding employees

Emphasizing the merits of the team, Shigabutdinov noted the high role of each employee: from worker to manager. ''I have no doubt that all started will be continued with dignity,'' the director general of TAIF PSC promised.

He continued the awarding ceremony for outstanding employees. Of course, it is difficult to give such a number of gifts on one stage, so only some of them were marked on the official part.

''The main resource of the station is the collective''

A significant part of the evening was a film, in which the events of new year's eve from 31 December 1978 to 1 January 1979 were reconstructed. That time the air temperature in the area of Kazan CHPP-3 fell to record-breaking -52 degrees, which is by 13 degrees below the permissible temperature mode of operation of electrical equipment. In the course of the heroic and responsible performance of their duty by the power engineers, despite the severe weather conditions, the employees of CHPP-3 saved Kazan from freezing, preventing the development of tragic situations similar to those in the neighbouring regions.

The main resource of our station is the collective: cohesive, reliable, well-worked and able to cope with any task, eliminate any emergency situation

At the end of the official ceremony, Director General of TGC-16 Eduard Galeev took the floor.

''The main resource of our station is the collective: cohesive, reliable, well-worked and able to cope with any task, eliminate any emergency situation. We have really great people-specialists of the highest level. I would like to express special words of gratitude to the older generation. After all, it is the veterans of the energy industry who created the reliable electric industry through conscientious work. It is gratifying that the current generation protects and multiplies the wonderful traditions of its predecessors,'' Galeev highlighted the merits of the team. In proof of recognition he handed the veterans CHPP-3 commemorative awards.

Official part smoothly flowed into concert programme

Solemn speeches, wishes of successful development and achievement of ambitious tasks smoothly flowed into the entertainment part of the evening with the participation of Tatar pop stars and creative teams of the republic.

  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
  • Oleg Tikhonov
By Alina Gubaydullina. Photo: Oleg Tikhonov

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Kazan CHPP-3 is the largest power plant in the capital of Tatarstan, Kazan, part of TAIF Group. The main purpose of the enterprise is to provide heat and electricity to consumers of the Kazan energy district, including the population and large industrial enterprises. Since joining TAIF Group in 2010, large-scale work on the complex modernization of the station has been carried out at CHPP-3. Today, Kazan CHPP-3 is a highly efficient power plant, which operated the equipment with performance indicators at the level of the best international standards, and TGC-16 is one of the most advanced energy units in the Russian Federation. Since the beginning of modernization, the installed electric capacity of CHPP-3 has increased twofold and amounted to 789,6 MW, the thermal capacity has also increased significantly and reached 2,390 Gcal/h.
