Minus 1,795 companies: three times more closed businesses in Tatarstan than established ones

Minus 1,795 companies: three times more closed businesses in Tatarstan than established ones
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Rinat Nazmetdinov

In Tatarstan, 1,795 companies were officially liquidated in October 2023. Their number is 2.6 times higher than the number of organizations created during this period, Realnoe Vremya calculated by examining official statistics data.

In terms of the number of companies closed in mid-autumn, Tatarstan has become the leader among 14 regions of the Volga Federal District. The republic accounts for almost a quarter of all organisations in the Volga Federal District liquidated in October — 23.2%.

In the second place in the Volga Federal District in terms of the number of companies that have ceased to exist -Samara Oblast — 1,761, and Bashkortostan — the third (1,167). In other regions of the Volga Federal District, their number in October did not exceed a thousand.

The smallest number of liquidated companies in mid-autumn was registered in Orenburg Oblast (57) and in Mordovia (96). At the same time, 85 and 51 organisations were created in them, respectively.

realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov (archive)

Tatarstan is also the leader in the Volga Federal District in terms of the number of registered companies in October. The republic accounted for 23% of their total number in the Volga Federal District — 676.

Bashkortostan and Samara Oblast also entered the top 3 in terms of the number of organisations created in mid-autumn. 466 and 362 companies were registered in them, respectively, according to Rosstat data.

The smallest number of companies in October among the regions of the Volga Federal District was created in Mari El — 44. This is 2.9 times less than the number of organisations liquidated this month — 131.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov (archive)

In total, 2,933 companies were officially registered in the Volga Federal District in October 2023. This is 2.6 times less than what was eliminated — 7,743.

Let us remind that 5,063 organisations were registered in Tatarstan in January-September 2023. This is by 374 fewer companies than were officially liquidated.

In particular, 33 legal entities engaged in the repair and installation of machinery and equipment, 40 organisations in the field of education, 98 hotels and catering enterprises, 246 companies in the field of information and communications appeared in Tatarstan in 9 months. There are also 30 registered furniture manufacturing enterprises, 21 organisations in the field of mining, and 13 textile manufacturers.

5,437 organisations were liquidated in Tatarstan in January-September 2023. Of these, 372 specialised in manufacturing, 1,401 companies were engaged in construction.

Tatyana Demina

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