Tatarstan State Council adopts bill on patriotic education at first reading

Tatarstan State Council adopts bill on patriotic education at first reading
Photo: Platonov (archive)

The Tatarstan State Council adopted a bill on citizens’ patriotic education in the republic at the first reading of the 48th session. The deputies approved the document unanimously.

“We think there is an urge of legislative regulation of this issue,” Chairman of the Tatarstan State Council’s Committee for Education, Culture, Science and National Affairs Ayrat Zaripov claimed adding that similar laws are in force in many Russian regions.

According to him, the adoption of the law doesn’t require additional funding from the Tatarstan budget. All the costs will be covered with money envisaged for existing public programmes in this sphere.

“These fundamental values support all political forces of our country <...> We are discussing this issue during a tough period <...> I think that deciding to consider and adopt this law we will pay attention to those dealing with patriotism once again,” said Chairman of the Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin.

He urged the audience to show what patriotism was with their own example. The Tatarstan State Council had a lot of questions about the definition of this term. Platonov (archive)

“We have what to be proud of. And we need to bring the younger generation up showing this example,” claimed Farid Mukhametshin.

He asked the Council to continue working the bill on citizens’ patriotic education in Tatarstan by the second reading. The chairman of the republic’s State Council hopes to fully adopt the document at the next meeting.

A task force created according to Chairman of the Tatarstan State Council Farid Mukhametshin’s decree developed the bill. The document defines the region’s state policy in citizens’ patriotic education, its goal, principles, tasks. It determines the duties between public power agencies, gives municipalities the right to “participate in patriotic education activities” and approve programmes.

It should be reminded that the Tatarstan State Council intended to consider 30 issues at the 48th session. The agenda includes a bill on the republic’s budget in 2024, 2025 and 2026.

Tatiana Dyomina

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