‘Every message is a response to certain challenges of the time’

Main points of Rustam Minnikhanov's speech to the establishment of Tatarstan

‘Every message is a response to certain challenges of the time’
Photo: provided to realnoevremya.ru by Tatarstan rais's press service

“If you are a strong player, then both China will want to be friends with you, and Europe. If you remain weak, then nothing will happen. One should not look for someone to lean against," Timur Shagivaleev, CEO of Alabuga SEZ, explained the general idea of the annual message of the rais of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov. It took place in the S. Saydashev Grand Concert Hall and lasted 1 hour and 10 minutes. The rais devoted most of his time to the internal situation of the republic: support for the participants of the special military operation and their families, the civic responsibility of the media in the “information battles with the West”, and the upcoming autumn elections to the parliament of the republic. In foreign policy, the main event will be the BRICS summit 2024, which will strengthen the republic in the status of a negotiator with Eastern countries. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

We have proved that we cannot be broken!

The main leitmotif of the message of Minnikhanov, as in previous years, was the ability of the republic to withstand external challenges. But this time, the test has turned out to be more severe. The special military operation lasting almost two years turned out to be heavier than international sanctions, which have been talked about everywhere. This time — not a word, as cut off. Instead, the topic of the special military operation came to the fore. It permeated almost the entire speech of Minnikhanov, who finished in a soldier's way: “When we are together, we are not afraid of any difficulties! Victory will be ours! We are together! We can!” The final chord of the speech made it clear to everyone that the republic was preparing for a protracted period of severe trials.

Every day on the front line, our soldiers and officers selflessly perform their military duty, Minnikhanov reminded. According to him, natives and pupils of the republic serve in the units of Rosgvardiya, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB.

“Nine Tatarstan citizens were awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. More than a thousand of our fighters have been awarded orders and medals," he said.

For the first time, the participants of the special military operation were honoured in the hall, among whom there was the commander of the crew of the Alyosha tank, Rasim Baksikov — he was personally awarded the Hero of Russia medal by the president of the country, Vladimir Putin. The hall honoured the memory of the fallen servicemen with a minute of silence.

For the first time, the participants of the special military operation were honoured in the hall, among whom there was the commander of the crew of the Alyosha tank, Rasim Baksikov. provided to realnoevremya.ru by the press service of the rais of Tatarstan

Memory of special military operation participants will be perpetuated in Victory Park

Then the audience applauded the military dynasties, including the Sokolov, Sibgatullin and Tulchansky families. In the family of the last three generations, men took part in all military operations. The father is 87 years old, he served in the infantry, and the next two generations became tankers.

“We didn't count how many orders we have," Igor Tulchansky told reporters later.

Minnikhanov assured that there are many such families in the republic. The memory of heroes is also honoured here.

“This year alone, monuments, busts and memorial plaques to 22 Heroes of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, including participants of the special operation, have been installed in the republic," said Minnikhanov. He commissioned the creation of a memorial zone dedicated to the special military operation in Victory Park.

He reminded that in 2025 the country celebrates the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War: “The government, the heads of cities and districts need to start work on preparing the anniversary celebration right now.”

An important political event in the republic will be the elections to the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan in the autumn of 2024, and a little earlier, in the spring, the election of the president of the Russian Federation.

Minnikhanov instructed to create a memorial zone dedicated to his victory in Kazan Victory Park. provided to realnoevremya.ru by press service of the rais of Tatarstan

“I am sure that the external challenges that our country is facing today will act as an additional incentive to consolidate our society, and Tatarstan citizens will traditionally demonstrate their high activity and support for the current course of our national leader during the election campaign," said the rais of the republic.

BRICS 2024, economic KazanForum: Kazan looks to the South and East

In the foreign economic sphere, Tatarstan's priority is going to be the development of mutually beneficial cooperation with the Islamic world.

“KazanForum International Economic Forum has become an effective platform. The events held are highly appreciated by the country's leadership. This year, it has been attended by representatives of more than 80 foreign countries. This once again confirms the fact that there can be no question of any isolation of Russia. It is necessary to ensure high-quality training of KazanForum next year," said Minnikhanov. “Besides, it is necessary to continue cooperation in various areas with the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, including in the context of the world youth agenda, in the field of science, culture, education, sports, as well as creating conditions for a halal lifestyle.

KazanForum2023 realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

An important direction for attracting foreign investments from Islamic countries is the implementation of the federal law on partner finance, said Minnikhanov: “I want to express my gratitude to the deputies of the State Duma from the Republic of Tatarstan for their active participation in its development and adoption.”

He also touched upon the topic of holding the BRICS and BRICS+ Summit of Heads of State in Kazan in 2024 with the participation of more than 20 leaders of countries.

“It is not only a great honour for us, but also a serious responsibility. A large number of events is going to be held within the framework of the summit, including the multisport BRICS Games. We have a lot of work to do, including ensuring security and preparing the hospitality industry. The Republican Organising Committee, together with federal colleagues, needs to ensure its coordination," the rais of the republic noted.

“Neither Tatarstan nor Russia can be isolated”

Minnikhanov also instructed the government and State Duma deputies from the republic to work out the issue of maintaining the volume of federal funding for the republic for the modernisation of municipal infrastructure systems — more than 30% of networks are subject to replacement. “There are some encroachments, a decrease in numbers, but we would like to fully receive this support.”

provided to realnoevremya.ru by Tatarstan rais's press service

“First of all, I heard that we will win, and this attitude is absolutely correct," Timur Shagivaleev, CEO of Alabuga SEZ, shared his impressions of Minnikhanov's speech. “If you are a strong player, then both China will want to be friends with you, and Europe. If you remain weak, then nothing will happen. And do not look for someone to lean against.

“Every message is a response to certain challenges of the time. The whole country is undergoing a serious test, so the beginning and a significant part of the message were devoted to the political situation. Tatarstan shows the ability to respond to these challenges and develop positively," said Deputy of the State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan Marat Galeev. “The whole message was devoted to the restructuring of the economy. Much attention was paid to the upbringing of the younger generation.”

“As usual, the results have been clearly summed up, the vectors of development have been determined, but for me, as a sports person, it is important that the republic continues to develop sports events," said former State Duma Deputy Olga Pavlova. “Especially important are the BRICS Games, for which more than 30 countries have submitted their applications, and the Games of the Future. Neither Tatarstan nor Russia can be isolated, we will hold them at a qualitative level — like the Universiade.”

Luiza Ignatyeva

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