Over 200 abandoned public warning systems detected in Tatarstan

Over 200 abandoned public warning systems detected in Tatarstan
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/ Maxim Platonov

Some agencies denied the ownership of sirens

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the republic’s Ministry of Emergency detected 244 sirens that aren’t owned by any public agency in Tatarstan during an inventory of devices. The equipment was installed and put into operation as early as 1970-1980s.

According to documents’ copies, S-40 sirens were assembled during the construction of Kompex-53 of the TASSR in Kazan, in 1981-1985. Equipment acceptance commissions were appointed by the predecessor of the Tatarstan Ministry of Digital Development and consisted mainly of specialists of Kazan Urban Phone Network.

Due to this, the ministry set up work to determine possible owners of sirens. However, the republic’s Ministry of Digital Development, Ministry of Land, Tattelecom and the Tatarstan State Archive replied that they didn’t own the equipment.

realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

Meanwhile, these sirens are a components of the public warning system in Tatarstan, specialists indicated.

In accordance with a requirement of the republican Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Emergencies has been dealing with the public warning system for over 20 years. So the ministry, which isn’t an owner of the property, has “owned it honestly, openly and uninterruptedly” during all this time.

According to Russian law, in similar circumstances, the right of ownership to such devices is purchased. As a result, the right of ownership to 236 S-40 sirens and eight S-28 sirens transited to the republic.

Yelizaveta Punsheva

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