Annual inflation in Tatarstan in February lower than in January

Annual inflation in Tatarstan in February lower than in January
Photo: Fatykhov (archive)

Annual inflation in Tatarstan in February 2023 was 10,74%. It turned out to be lower than in January 2023 when the number was assessed to be 11.55%.

Consumer prices in Tatarstan have grown by 1.3% since the start of the year. Compared to January 2023, they rose by 0,34%.

Prices for food have risen by 10.07% in Tatarstan in February over the year and by 2.03% since the beginning of the year and by 0.7% compared to January. Fruit and vegetable prices have gone up by 7,26%, 19,85% and 6,26% respectively.

Non-food prices have risen in Tatarstan in February 2023 by 10.32% over the year. Since the beginning of the year, their prices haven’t almost grown (0,09%) and even cheapened by 0,18% compared to January.

Photo: Fatykhov (archive)

The consumer price index in services in February has totalled 12,35% over the year after 12,83% in January. Since the start of the year, their price has appreciated by 2,19% and by 0,64% over the last month.

The basic consumer price index in February 2023 was 12,08% a year and 0,12% a month, says the Tatarstan Statistics Service. It doesn’t include short-term uneven price changes under the influence of separate factors that are administrative or seasonal.

According to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development’s forecast, inflation in the country in 2023 is expected to be 5.5%. The Central Bank predicts it to be equal to 5-7%.

Tatiana Dyomina

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