63 billion rubles planned to be spent to protect Tatarstan population from emergencies for 13 years

63 billion rubles planned to be spent to protect Tatarstan population from emergencies for 13 years
Photo: realnoevremya.ru (archive)

As Realnoe Vremya found out, the Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers made amendments to funding the programme Protection of the Population and Territories from Emergency Situation, Fire Safety and People’s Safety in Water from 2014 to 2027. Read more about it in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

No federal money in this year’s funding

So according to the updated version, 2,507 billion rubles will be allocated for it. 1.5 billion comes from the republican budget, another 760 million — money of municipalities and 153 million — from extrabudgetary sources.

The document reads that the funding of the programme for 13 years is 63,106 billion rubles. At the same time, 20.8 billion are allocated from Tatarstan’s budget, 29.1 — from the federal budget, 10.8 billion — from municipalities and 2.2 billion — from extrabudgetary sources.

It is specified that all these figures are just forecasts and subject to changes when money is given.

As for this year, it is noteworthy that the funding doesn’t have the federal budget. However, last year, its share was 3 billion rubles with the total amount of 5.6 billion. The share of the republican budget was a bit bigger — 1.7 billion, that of municipalities, in contrast, was lower — 747 million. Talking about the share of extrabudgetary funding, we will note that it hasn’t changed since 2019 and remains 153 million. It is forecasted to start increasing in 2025 and will amount to 204 million rubles by the end of the programme.

The federal budget has simply disappeared this year. The funding of the programme for the next years doesn’t include it.

So in 2024, the total amount will have to be 2,544 billion rubles. The republic is going to cover 1.6 billion, municipalities will 774 million and extrabudgetary sources — 153 million.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

Four areas one of which remains without money

This programme also contains a list of subprogrammes aimed at different areas of protection. The first subclause of the whole document is named Fire Safety. The updated version evaluates total costs on this area at 42 billion rubles in the next 13 years. This year, it will cost just a billion, while in 2022 it did 4 billion.

The Reduction of Risk and Mitigation of Natural and Manmade Emergency Consequences is the next subprogramme. The total cost during the whole period is assessed at 8.9 billion rubles. this year, its funding will be 580 million, which is 21 million more than last year.

Also, the Construction and Development of Safe City Hardware and Software Complex project is one of the subprogrammes. It is planned that 3 billion rubles are going to be spent on it by the end of the main programme (it is noteworthy that the subprogramme itself appeared just in 2016). As for this year, the allocated money will be 318 million rubles.

The Development of Social and Engineering Infrastructure is the last subprogramme. However, this year the subprogramme won’t have funding, neither will it have money during the next periods. According to the document, the last time when money was given for it was in 2022 and it was equal to 55 million rubles.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

Tatarstan approves its own plant for extinguishing wildfires

Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov ordered to approve a general plan for extinguishing wildfires on the territory of the republic during the 2023 season. According to the document, the Cabinet of Ministers will oversee the performance. The plan itself determines the composition of wildfire fighting teams, machinery and equipment and assigns dedicated agencies lists of measures.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

The potential fire hazard and real wildfire depends on natural and manmade factors. The most significant ones are species and age composition of stands, type of forest and cutting down, the development of transport infrastructure, difficulty of delivery of machinery to fire sites, especially heavy equipment.

Most lands are considered Class 4 fire hazard and total 52.7%, fires in these areas are possible during lasting draught periods. The most dangerous Class 1 and 2 forest segments occupy 16.6% of lands. The average fire hazard class is 3.5. The anti-fire season will open in Tatarstan this year on 15 April. As Realnoe Vremya found out, this year the region will reduce the area of forests air patrols will supervise. At the same time, costs and the number of routes rose. Three districts of the republic didn’t envisage funding and measures for fire-fighting management in settlements in their budgets for 2023. It is Tetyshi, Spass and Laishevo Districts.

Maxim Kokunin

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