‘We see an increase in conceptual establishments’: Kazan becomes first in development of catering infrastructure

‘We see an increase in conceptual establishments’: Kazan becomes first in development of catering infrastructure
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

Kazan becomes the first in the rating for the development of public catering infrastructure among the megacities of Russia. At the same time, the capital of Tatarstan demonstrates results significantly exceeding the indicators of Moscow and St. Petersburg. The cities are evaluated by the saturation with restaurants, cafes and bars by Marketing Logic analysts. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

By 3 positions higher than St. Petersburg, by 10 — than Moscow

The rating was estimated from the number of restaurants, cafes, bars, and fast food outlets per 10 thousand residents. After that, the average value was calculated, according to which the winner was determined. There are 15 megacities in the list.

12,4 outlets is the average value of catering establishments counted in Kazan. A little less — in Voronezh, which is the second in the ranking. Perm rounds out the top three, with 10,1 establishments registered in it. St. Petersburg (9,8) is the 4th, and Moscow (8,5) is only in the second half of the list, the 11th.

The capital of Tatarstan is significantly more saturated with cafes than other participants of the study — there are 20,7 of them per 10 thousand inhabitants. There are 15 of them in Voronezh, and 16,8 in Perm. St. Petersburg and Moscow showed even lower results — 14,1 and 13,1, respectively.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

The next criterion in the study was restaurants. There are also significantly more of them in Kazan, namely — 12,7. The second place has fewer establishments by 5,3, the third — by 4,2. There are 12,5 restaurants in St. Petersburg, and 10,5 — in Moscow.

As for fast food outlets, Voronezh has become the undisputed leader — 14,9 such establishments per 10 thousand people are registered there. In Perm and Kazan, there are much fewer of them — 9,2 and 8,6, respectively. There are even less of them in Moscow and St. Petersburg — 6,7 and 5,5.

The capital of Tatarstan also ranks first in terms of the number of bars and pubs (7,5 establishments). St. Petersburg is the second by this criterion (7). There are 5,9 bars in Voronezh, 5,8 — in Perm, and only 3,8 — in Moscow.

“Restaurateurs have made a big leap”

As Galina Sharafutdinova, the executive director of the Association of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers of Kazan, explained in an interview with the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya, such result is influenced by the decisions taken in the last 2 years. Over this time, the city has grown in the catering market.

“Over the past 2 years, we have seen an increase in conceptual establishments that are created based on the needs of guests who are sophisticated, who have already seen a lot of things and have been to a lot of places. Establishments satisfy completely different requests, because diverse modern concepts are being opened for different segments of the target audience. Over the past year, restaurateurs have made a big leap, showing that the potential is much wider, and we are ready to continue using it further," she said.
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

However, according to her, in addition to the development of gastronomy in Kazan, there is also an obvious advantage over Moscow: population size.

“Here, most likely, there is a connection with the number of residents. If we take Moscow, then, of course, their infrastructure, in my opinion, is higher. Our population is lower, there are more than 5,000 establishments, based on this, we have become the leader in this rating," the executive director of the association answered the relevant question.

At the same time, according to her, not only the number of establishments is growing in Kazan, but also the quality of the cuisine itself. Various events aimed at improving the skills of chefs have contributed to the formation of a pool of ambitious chefs.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

“This is a motivator for us. It's cool that we got into the rating and understand what to strive for. We have something to surprise the guests with," the interlocutor of the publication stressed. “Accordingly, this is a driver of development, as a new point of growth for us. If we compare it with the state of the industry five years ago, the infrastructure has undergone positive changes, and probably everyone can say, both residents and guests, that we are creating high-quality good projects, both in the direction of service and in the quality of food.

Sharafutdinova also added that after Kazan, the level of catering is rising in other cities of Tatarstan. This concerns, for example, Naberezhnye Chelny, Almetyevsk and Yelabuga.

“The main task for us is not to lower the bar, to increase the quality and to please our visitors," she concluded.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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