Migration growth recorded in Tatarstan in 2022

Migration growth recorded in Tatarstan in 2022
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov

In 2022, the number of registered labour migrants in Tatarstan reached 192,3 thousand people. The share of the region in the number of foreigners amounted to 1,6% of the whole country (an increase of 28,9%). This is stated in the study of the analytical service of the audit and consulting network FinExpertiza (available to Realnoe Vremya). At the same time, in January-November 2022, a migration increase reached 9,1 thousand people. Read the details in the material of the publication.

Total number of labor migrants amounted to 11,8 million in Russia in 2022

Let us remind that after foreign citizens cross the Russian border, they are required to register at the place of stay and confirm the purpose of entry — thus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs bodies carry out primary migration registration. The aggregated migration statistics also take into account foreigners who have extended registration or have re-registered (when changing the region of residence).

In 2022, the total number of cases of migration registration of foreign workers, including extensions of registrations and re-registrations, amounted to 11,8 million (an increase of 23,9%).

The influx of migrants from Uzbekistan increased most significantly last year — by 377,7 thousand people (+35,1%). Almost the same increase occurred among workers from Tajikistan — 336,7 thousand (+51,8%). Kyrgyzstan rounds out the top 3 — 84,6 thousand people (+17,7%). They are followed by Kazakhstan — 62 thousand (+118,3%); Azerbaijan — 16,6 thousand (+21,1%); Vietnam — 8 thousand (an increase of more than 9 times); Moldova — 4,1 thousand (+87,7%); Turkey — 2 thousand (+12,9%); Turkmenistan — 1,6 thousand (growth of almost 100 times); China — 1,3 thousand (+12,2%).

In February, Russia developed a law that introduces a “controlled stay” regime for migrants. The algorithm of interdepartmental exchange of information on the revealed facts of fictitious migration registration has been introduced.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Elizaveta Punsheva

Tatarstan is among the leaders in growth of foreign workers

It is worth noting that in 2021 the number of foreign citizens who arrived in Tatarstan to work and registered for migration was 149,1 thousand people. Thus, the year before last, their number was 43,2 thousand less.

According to these indicators, the republic was on the 9th line of the ranking of the distribution of registrations of migrant workers in 2022:

  1. Moscow — 25,6%;
  2. Moscow Oblast — 15,1%;
  3. Saint Petersburg and Leningrad Oblast — 12,8%;
  4. Krasnodar Krai — 2,7%;
  5. Irkutsk Oblast — 2,3%;
  6. Sverdlovsk Oblast — 2,2%;
  7. Amur Oblast — 1,8%;
  8. Primorsky Krai — 1,8%;
  9. Tatarstan — 1,6%;
  10. Krasnoyarsk Krai — 1,5%;
  11. Other regions — 32,4%.

At the same time, according to the place of residence, the republic is only the 53rd. Ahead are Mordovia (an increase in migrant workers last year was 33,1%), Mari El (34,2%) and Bashkiria (8,9%). Tatarstan is followed by Udmurtia (26,2%), Chuvashia (64,2%) and Kirov Oblast (57,3%).

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Roman Khasaev

From January to November 2022, 82,2 thousand people arrived in Tatarstan

According to official statistics, the migration of the population in Tatarstan for the period from January to November 2022 is as follows:

In general, the number of arrivals in the republic amounted to 82,2 thousand people, departures — 73,1 thousand. At the same time, the migration increase reached 9,1 thousand people.



migration growth

International migration




With the CIS member states




With other foreign countries




Intra-republican migration




External migration




With other territories of Russia




Maksim Kokunin

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