Salary level in Tatarstan turn out to be highest in Volga Region, but far from Russian one

The average salary in Tatarstan from January to October 2022 increased by 16,6% compared to the same period of the previous year (43,110 rubles). Thus, it reached the mark of 50,287 rubles, thereby securing the republic's status as a leader in this indicator among other regions of the Volga Federal District (PFD). At the same time, the real salary, calculated taking into account the consumer price index and tariffs for goods and services, for 10 months of last year amounted to 101,8% compared to the same period in 2021.

In 11 out of 20 industries, wages are below average
It is worth noting that despite the achieved level and leadership in the PFD, not all employees of the republic had salaries that reached such sizes. On the contrary, the wages of the majority of Tatarstan citizens turned out to be below average. According to official statistics provided by “pure” types of economic activity, 12 out of 20 industries found themselves in such a situation.
The lowest paid was the activity of hotels and catering establishments — from January to October, their employees received an average of 32,537 rubles. A little more of them were received by real estate specialists — 34,257 rubles; administrators — 34,974 rubles; agricultural and forestry workers, as well as fishermen — 36,745 rubles; representatives of other types of services — 38,721 rubles; water supply — 39,195 rubles; education — 40,267 rubles; repair of vehicles — 42,644 transportation, and storage — 45,146 rubles; healthcare — 45,683 rubles; construction — 47,682 rubles; military security — 48,030 rubles.
The highest wages are:
- Research and development — 80,678 rubles;
- Mining — 78,154 rubles;
- Information and communication activities — 76,244 rubles;
- Financial and insurance activities — 71,590 rubles;
- Professional, scientific and technical activities — 65,901 rubles;
- Provision of electric energy, gas and steam — 62,728 rubles;
- Manufacturing industries — 58,240 rubles;
- Activities in the field of culture, sports, leisure and entertainment — 52,351 rubles.

Perm Krai and Bashkiria follow Tatarstan
As mentioned above, Tatarstan, according to the results of 10 months of 2022 (from January to October), ranks first in the Volga Federal District in terms of average salary. In general, the rating looks like this:
- Tatarstan — 50,287 rubles;
- Perm Krai — 49,649 rubles;
- Bashkiria — 46,979 rubles;
- Samara region — 46,208 rubles;
- Nizhny Novgorod region — 44,691 rubles.
- Udmurtia — 43,417 rubles;
- Orenburg region — 42,097 rubles;
- Saratov region — 40 782 rubles;
- Ulyanovsk region — 39,836 rubles;
- Penza region — 39,820 rubles;
- Chuvashia — 39,411 rubles;
- Kirov region — 39,104 rubles;
- Mari El — 38,525 rubles;
- Mordovia — 38,203 rubles.

Higher than in the PFD, but lower than in the country
In general, the average wage for employees in the Volga Federal District, as of October last year, was at the level of 46,454 rubles (113,1% compared to the corresponding period in 2021). At the same time, the salary level in Tatarstan reached 51,681 rubles.
However, it is worth noting that the amount of wages in the republic still does not reach the Russian level. Thus, the average salary in the country from January to October 2022 amounted to 61,877 rubles (11,590 rubles higher than in Tatarstan), which is by 12,7% higher than the same period of the previous year.
At the same time, real wages in Russia, after falling from April to September 2022, were finally able to rise, albeit only by 0,4%. Before that, its size dropped by 1,5-1,9% on average.

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