Readers of Realnoe Vremya name the most anticipated event of 2023

Absolute majority of readers voted for the option “peacetime, the end of the special military operation”

Readers of Realnoe Vremya name the most anticipated event of 2023
Photo: Platonov

On the eve of the New Year, Realnoe Vremya launched a survey among readers and found out what events they are waiting for most in 2023. Almost two weeks later, a list of the 11 most popular answers was compiled, which we submitted to the final vote. Realnoe Vremya announces the results and name the most anticipated event of the coming year. It is not difficult to guess that it is the completion of the special military operation that began in the previous year. What else is expected in 2023 — read in our material.

Three quarters of respondents are waiting for the completion of the the special military operation in 2023

“Special military operation”. Three words that will go down in history textbooks as the title of an entire chapter. Time will tell how voluminous it will be and how it will end. And many do not give up hope that this time will come soon.

The readers, taking part in the survey in the telegram channel, the VKontakte group of Realnoe Vremya, as well as on the Yandex platform, gave a total of 159 votes. Of these, almost three-quarters (72%) — the answer option “peacetime, the end of the special military operation”.

The special military operation took over most of 2022 — 10 months and 4 days. The beginning, stating that its goal is “to protect people who have been subjected to bullying and genocide by the Kyiv regime for eight years," Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on the morning of February 24. Since then, the country has received a flood of refugees, conducted the first partial mobilisation in its modern history, announced on September 21, and also accepted new regions — Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

Photo: Platonov

According to the head of the state, the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces, Vladimir Putin, the special operation will continue until its goals are achieved. They have remained unchanged since February 24 — the demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine, as well as the bringing to justice of those who committed numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including citizens of Russia.

Every fifth person dreams of a salary increase in the new year

Salary increase is the second among the most anticipated events of 2023 for the participants of the Realnoe Vremya survey. Every fifth person dreams about it (19,5%).

Part of the dream will come true. From January 1, the minimum wage will increase. It will amount to 16,242 rubles in the new year, which is by 2,352 rubles more than in the outgoing 2022.

Photo: Punsheva

No matter how the authorities raise the minimum wage, it still remains far from what citizens want. For example, according to a November study, Kazan residents would like the minimum wage to reach 35,2 thousand rubles. And the residents of Moscow dream that it should be at least 43,5 thousand rubles.

Lifting of anti-Russian sanctions round out the top 3 expected events.

The removal of anti-Russian sanctions rounds out the top three most desirable events. This option scored 15% of the votes of readers of Realnoe Vremya.

Sanctions against Russia became a consequence of the start of the special military operation. In April 2022, the country's prime minister, Mikhail Mishustin, called the restrictions imposed one after another a “sanctions storm”. At that time, there were more than 6 thousand sanctions. By July 7, their number had reached 11,160. As stated by the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin, no state in the world has faced so many challenges. And sanctions are still being “churned out”.

Photo: Platonov

13% are waiting for political transformations

In the 4th place among the most anticipated events of 2023 -political transformations. 13,2% of readers of Realnoe Vremya who took part in the survey are waiting for them.

Under the option “political transformations”, when launching the final survey, we combined the readers' wishes concerning both personnel changes, including in senior positions, and the territory of the state. They affected both Tatarstan and Russia as a whole.

Photo: Platonov

One in ten is waiting for the start of an all-out war against corruption

The dream of starting a “total war against corruption” rounds out the top 5 most anticipated events of the new year. Every tenth reader of Realnoe Vremya dreams about it.

The “war” against corruption is already underway. However, according to the Tatarstan Prosecutor's Office, the number of corruption crimes in the republic has hardly changed in recent years — “it fluctuates within one thousand”.

In ten months of 2022, 1,054 corruption-related crimes were registered in Tatarstan. According to their identification, the region ranks 4th in Russia, behind Moscow, Krasnodar Krai, and Bashkiria. Taking into account the high latency of corruption crimes, the figures indicate how actively law enforcement agencies are resisting these illegal acts.

Photo: Platonov

Closing mortgages, solving problems with storm drains — what else is expected in 2023

The interviewed readers of Realnoe Vremya wait not only global, but also local events. For example, 5,7% of the votes (6th place) were given for solving problems with storm drains in Kazan. The problem for the city is urgent, although the authorities have already embarked on the path of solving it — last summer there were fewer “reservoirs” on the roads than in the summer of 2021. Therefore, there are probably chances that the elimination of such a nuisance will become not a desire, but a reality.

On the 7th place in the ranking of the most anticipated events of 2023 — mortgage closure. More than anything else, 5% of readers of Realnoe Vremya want to fulfill this mission.

Another 4,4% of those who took part in the survey most want replenishment of the family in 2023 — the birth of children (or grandchildren). The state will also be happy about this, the authorities want to increase the birth rate in the country.

Photo: Platonov

On the 9th place in the ranking of the most anticipated events is a reunion with friends and relatives (3,8%). The outgoing year has separated many — someone went to the special operation zone — on partial mobilisation or voluntarily, someone left the country, wanting to wait out difficult times. And meeting someone you haven't seen for a long time can really be a good gift.

1,25% scored the answers “diploma defense” and “I don't expect anything: neither good nor bad”.

Tatyana Demina

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