TAIF-NK AZS network: a reliable partner on the road and in business

TAIF-NK AZS network: a reliable partner on the road and in business
Photo: Alexander Ilyin/realnoevremya.ru

The pace of life accelerates every year. Digital technologies are coming to our aid, which are gradually being introduced into all spheres of life. Such opportunities for commercial transportation business are also provided by one of the largest suppliers of petroleum products in Russia — the network of filling stations of TAIF-NK AZS PLC. The company is actively developing services for the business segment and offers a comprehensive solution for enterprises — a cashless payment service for legal entities using fuel cards. About what nuances make TAIF-NK AZS's card among the most convenient and functional — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

A profitable solution for businesses

Cooperation between fuel operators and the business of commercial transportation does not stand still, it is actively developing and expanding. Today, the largest network of gas stations in the Republic of Tatarstan, TAIF-NK AZS PLC, offers a convenient and efficient system of non-cash payments by fuel cards. The company, providing a flexible scale of discounts, individually approaches each client, regardless of the size of its fleet and direction of activity.

“TAIF-NK AZS keeps up with the times and uses modern digital solutions to simplify customers' business processes," says Timur Saifutdinov, the head of the department for the sale of petroleum products to legal entities of the company. “So, in order to create the most comfortable conditions for our customers and provide a full range of services, we have introduced a new, modern system of non-cash payments. It is distinguished by a convenient personal account through which the company's customers can monitor fuel consumption and manage limits and expenses for each vehicle online.

It is possible to conclude a contract and receive fuel cards at any branch of the company: in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Bugulma, Nurlat, Buinsk, Shemordan and Tolyatti.

TAIF-NK AZS provides a flexible scale of discounts on fuel cards and individually approaches each client. Photo: Anna Seytumerova/realnoevremya.ru

After the conclusion of the contract, each client opens their own personal account, and the required number of fuel cards is issued. In the personal account online, one can get all the necessary information: how many available funds are on the total balance of the client and on each card separately. Here, in the personal account, a full report is provided on which filling stations, in what volume, what type of fuel, at what time and date the driver refuells. All information is updated in real time, which allows the client to more fully control the organisation's fuel costs.

“It is available to customers to independently set fuel consumption limits for each card, for example, to set a consumption limit for a day, week or month, or to include only certain gas stations, or certain products for refuelling," Timur Saifutdinov notes.

High-quality fuel is delivered directly from the Nizhnekamsk refinery to all TAIF-NK filling stations without delays on the way. Photo: Anna Seytumerova/realnoevremya.ru

Reliable control over the expenditure of funds

Another advantage of the service is the convenience of accounting. All operations for crediting and debiting money are transparent, so there is no need to give drivers cash and collect checks.

At the end of each reporting month, the client is provided with a complete set of documents — a universal transfer document, an invoice, a report on fuel sampling for the reporting month.

In the accounting documents, the total amount includes VAT of 20%, and based on these documents, the client's accounting department can submit an application to the tax inspectorate for a refund of the amount of VAT paid, which allows customers to additionally save by reducing tax payments.

Besides, the company actively uses electronic document management (EDO) for the exchange of primary accounting documents.

“The EDO is the easiest, fastest and most reliable way to obtain accounting documents that does not require an office visit, which is very convenient and significantly saves time and resources of clients," explains Timur Sayfutdinov.

TAIF-NK AZS fuel cards have a reliable and secure protection system. Photo: Vladimir Vasilyev/realnoevremya.ru

A wide network of filling stations

Corporate clients of the company have the opportunity to refuel vehicles using fuel cards not only at TAIF-NK gas stations located in Tatarstan, Udmurtia, Kirov, Ulyanovsk and Samara regions, but also at more than 9 thousand filling stations. filling stations throughout Russia.

“But first of all, we aim to ensure that the card works in our network, which has more than 200 filling stations operating under the brands TAIF-NK AZS, Tatnefteprodukt, Avtodorstroy. More than 10 thousand cars are refuelled at our filling stations every day. We actively cooperate with all major players in the road freight transportation market of the Republic of Tatarstan. There are more than 2,5 thousand customers in total, and their number is growing from year to year," says Nail Shaydullin, the commercial director of TAIF-NK AZS PLC.

It is worth noting that TAIF-NK AZS provides not only commercial enterprises, but also state institutions with a strategically important product in sufficient quantity.

The company's clients always receive help and prompt feedback. In case of any difficulties, the personal manager is always ready to provide support and answer any questions that arise.

“TAIF-NK AZS network pays special attention to improving work with corporate clients, loyalty programme and high level of service. So, for even greater customer convenience, we plan to launch a mobile application in 2023. This will allow customers to abandon physical plastic cards and refuel vehicles through the application using a virtual card contactless," continues Timur Sayfutdinov, the head of the department for the sale of petroleum products to legal entities of the company.

Corporate clients of the company have the opportunity to refuel using fuel cards not only in TAIF-NK AZS network, but also for more than 9 thousand filling stations throughout Russia. Photo: Vladimir Vasilyev/realnoevremya.ru. Sponsored. TAIF-NK AZS PLC. Token: Pb3XmBtzt8fTmX5y1FUjvVKp7wq2SSK39QXY6Lg

High fuel quality is always a priority

By purchasing a TAIF-NK AZS fuel card, you can be sure that the driver refuelled the car only with high-quality fuel, which is directly delivered from his own oil refinery in Nizhnekamsk to the filling station.

The high quality of petroleum products sold at all filling stations of TAIF-NK AZS network is guaranteed: the factory characteristics are preserved and monitored at every stage — from the refinery to the final consumer.

“Refuelling at our filling stations, customers can be sure that only high-quality fuel will be filled in their tank," the company emphasises.

Lutsia Kashapova

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