Number of large families in Tatarstan 69% up since 2012

Number of large families in Tatarstan 69% up since 2012
Photo: Platonov (archive)

The number of families with three or more children has increased in Tatarstan. Vice Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the republic Natalya Butayeva said.

“We see the number of large families has increased. In the last ten years, their number is 69% up. If we had 24,800 families with three or more children by 1 January 2012, by 1 November, the number of such families in the republic is already almost 42,000,” she claimed.

According to her, not only social support measures but also “moral stimulation” influence a rise in the number of large families.

“Our traditional start award for mothers with many children Mother Glory is the highest award. A family who has decently brought up five or more children and has at least one minor and after the fifth child turns 3 is entitled to it. Here a payout of 10,000 rubles per child is envisaged here. 1,505 mothers have been awarded the medal since 2010,” said Natalia Butayeva.

She reminded the audience that another award was recently created in Tatarstan — Parenthood Merit medal. Families who have seven or more children are awarded it. The payout is 100,000 rubles.

“Since this medal is new, nowadays five parents have been awarded the medal in the republic,” said Natalia Butayeva.

From 2006 to 2021, 539 large families have been provided with housing. They received a total of 720 flats. This year, 25 large families will have a home.

Tatiana Dyomina

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