The State Duma backs Tatarstan’s law on banned sale of energy drinks and lighters to minors

The State Duma backed the restrictions on the sale of energy drinks and lighters to minors introduced in Tatarstan. Deputies think that the law on the ban on such products for children and teenagers adopted in the republic should be an example for Russia.

“I absolutely support the decision that was made in Tatarstan. It is aimed to protect the younger generation’s health and life,” Parliamentary Newspaper cites member of the State Duma’s Committee for Security and Corruption Control Biysultan Khamzayev. He offered to impose a ban on the sale of energy drinks and lighters to minors across Russia specifying that State Duma deputy had already discussed this issue.

He said that the death rate from sniffing in Russia considerably rose from 2018 to 2021. Nearly 350 cases a year are now registered. According to Biysultan Khamzayev, it is important today to set up a control system in a way that these products do not end up in teenagers’ hands. The restrictive measures are one of the important steps in this area, the parliamentarian thinks. Besides them, an explanatory work and high-quality prevention are needed.

The press service of the Moscow City Duma reminded the citizens that there was no nationwide ban on the sale of energy drinks and lighters to minors. However, the retail sale of soft energy drinks prohibited on the initiative of Moscow deputies in the capital in 2015. Then, dedicated changes were made to federal legislation.

“The ban on the sale of alcohol-free energy drinks to minors needs to improve. If we are addressed with such proposals, of course, we will take control of this issue,” said Moscow City Duma Chairman Alexey Shaposhnikov.

It should be reminded that on 2 November Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov signed a law banning the sale of energy drinks and lighters to minors. It will come into force in 10 days after its official publication, that’s to say, on 12 November. Children’s Ombudswoman in the republic Irina Volynets launched the initiative of introducing such a restriction. She offered to impose fines for violating this ban.

Deputies backed this bill, and on 23 September it was adopted at the first hearing. On 20 October, the document was adopted at the second and third quarters. Now there are fines for the sale of energy drinks, lighters and gas tanks to minors: from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles for buyers, from 30,000 to 50,000 people to officials, from 100,000 to 150,000 to organisations.

Maxim Kokunin

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