Consumer prices in Tatarstan start growing faster

Consumer prices in Tatarstan start growing faster
Photo: Platonov

Prices rose by 14% compared to September 2021

The consumer price index in Tatarstan in September was 113,97% compared to the same period last year. To compare, annual inflation in September 2021 was 7,71%.

In early autumn, food became more expensive by 16,46% compared to last September. Particularly fruits and vegetables went up in price by 1,43%. It is much less than last September. Compared to the previous month in 2020, the prices jumped by 11,49%.

Prices for non-food products in Tatarstan this September rose by 13,98% compared to the same period in 2021. Services increased by 10,85% over this time, reads the data of the Tatarstan Statistics Service.

Prices have grown by 10,7% since early 2022

Compared to last December in general, the price growth in September 2022 was 10,71%. A year ago, this figure was much smaller. In September 2021, inflation since the start of the year reached 5,55%.

Food products in Tatarstan have become 10,21% more expensive since the start of the year. However, fruits and vegetables have cheapened in the republic. The consumer price index in this segment compared to December 2021 was 86,64%. Last September, it was assessed at 95,02% compared to late 2020.

Prices for non-food products in the republic have increased by 11,85% since December 2021. Prices for services have grown by 9,63%.

In the last nine months, inflation has been nearly 15%

Comparing inflation this year and last year, it is seen that the consumer price index in 2020 grows faster. This is also seen in the first three quarters compared to the same period in 2021.

For instance, if during the first nine months 2022 inflation was nearly 15% compared to the same period last year, in January-September 2021 compared to the first quarters of 2020, it was almost 6,5%. Prices for fruits and vegetables notably rose in January-September 2020 in Tatarstan. Prices for non-food products increased by 15,47% and services did by 9,94% during this period.

Prices down against August

Despite the price growth in September, compared to the early autumn and late 2021, some deflation was registered in Tatarstan by August 2022. The consumer price index was 99,97% whereas last September it was assessed at 100,63%.

Foods became cheaper by 0,32% this September compared to the previous month. Fruits and vegetables are noticeably more affordable — by 3,53%.

At the same time, non-food products slightly went up in price in September. Consumer prices rose by 0,08% compared to August. Services also appreciated in Tatarstan. In comparison with August, their prices hiked by 0,2% in September.

Tatiana Dyomina

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