Tatarstan to take a legislative initiative to regulate turnover of construction debris

Tatarstan to take a legislative initiative to regulate turnover of construction debris

The State Council of Tatarstan is planning to put forward a new legislative initiative to regulate the turnover of construction debris, which is not included in the scope of activities of regional operators. The corresponding bill will be submitted to the State Duma of Russia in October this year, Chairman of the State Council Committee on Housing Policy and Infrastructure Development Alexander Tygin said at the scientific and practical conference “Solid municipal waste: legislation and practice”.

"85 [unauthorised] landfills in Tatarstan are from construction debris. PZhKH management company [the regional operator for the western zone of the Republic of Tatarstan] will not come and take out construction debris," he noted.

According to him, the regional authorities tried to independently start legislative work on regulating this field, but the supervisory authorities pointed out the inadmissibility of intrusion into the federal sphere of control. “The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Tatarstan immediately protested," Alexander Tygin said.

Tatarstan plans to repeat on its territory the experiment that works in Moscow Oblast. “They introduced an investment component and solved the problem with construction debris," the speaker said.

The expansion of the powers of the region in the sphere of regulating the turnover of construction debris is overdue, the deputy of the State Council believes. “Now there is a feeling that the feds have missed something," he said, disagreeing with the statement of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia that all powers were given to the regions.

The bill proposes to establish the possibility of payment for the collection and disposal of municipal garbage based on one meter, not on a person. This approach will ensure transparency.

“We requested data from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the number of registered citizens, but we did not receive it," the speaker said. Currently, the fee for waste is charged in Tatarstan per person.

There are about 120 thousand tonnes of construction waste in the republic. The first discussions in the State Council are expected to be held in September.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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