Kazancompressormash plans to open a branch in St. Petersburg

Kazancompressormash JSC plans to open a branch in St. Petersburg, Realnoe Vremya found out. The issue will be considered at the next meeting of the company's board of directors.

The agenda also includes the approval of the regulations on the branch of Kazancompressormash JSC in St. Petersburg and the appointment of its director. The company refused to provide Realnoe Vremya with a comment on these plans.

At the end of July, Realnoe Vremya found out that the son of a Ukrainian billionaire, Vladimir Lukyanenko, became a co-owner of Kazancompressormash — he owns 36,7% of shares through Gidromashservis.

According to rumours, Ukrainian billionaire Lukyanenko Sr., who was engaged in the production of industrial pumps, fought for a long time for the Kazan compressor plant, outplaying the opponent, Ukrainian businessman Grigorishin. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Tatyana Demina

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