Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda settlement to be improved for 174 million in Kazan

More than 174 million rubles, which Kazan will receive as a result of the competition of projects for the arrangement of tourist centres of cities, will be directed to the improvement of the Staro-Tatarskaya Sloboda settlement. This was told by the deputy chairman of the State Committee of the Republic of Tatarstan for Tourism, Gulnara Safina.

Kazan is one of the winners of the competition of projects for the development of tourist centres of cities. It scored the highest score — 28,1.

Along with Kazan , the winner of the competition is Yelabuga. They will receive 202,5 million rubles for the arrangement of tourist centres. According to Gulnara Safina, the square in the historical centre will be renovated with these funds in Yelabuga.

As explained by the head of Rostourism, Zarina Doguzova, the winning cities during 2023 will have the opportunity to use federal funds to introduce a single architectural and design code in tourist centres, update signages, navigation, and create an inclusive environment in accordance with it.

Ufa, Nizhny Novgorod, Alupka, Vladivostok, Gorodets, Derbent, Yevpatoria, Yekaterinburg, Yelets, Irkutsk, Kaliningrad, Kasimov and Murom are also on the list of winners. The list also includes Pereslavl-Zalessky, Perm, Pskov, Ryazan, Smolensk, Sortavala, Staraya Russa, Suzdal, Syzran and Taganrog.

Tatyana Demina

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