Leyla Fazleeva: there is no need to resume mask regime in Tatarstan now

“Then everything will depend on the epidemiological situation”

As Leila Fazleeva, the deputy prime minister of Tatarstan and head of the republican operational headquarters for countering the spread of COVID-19, told Realnoe Vremya, the incidence of coronavirus in the republic is currently at a low level and the intensity of the epidemic process is not observed. The epidemic process is stable, however, as the deputy prime minister noted, its rise in the autumn period is not excluded. Then, with the complication of the epidemiological situation of COVID-19 and taking into account the seasonal rise in the incidence of SARS and influenza, it is possible to resume the mask regime.

“No one, neither you nor I, will be able to say now when this may happen — in August, in the middle of the month or at the end, in September and so on. All indicators are monitored daily. At the moment, there is no need to resume the mask regime. Then everything will depend on the epidemiological situation," Leyla Fazleeva clarified.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru

The head of the operational headquarters advised the residents of the republic to undergo timely revaccination, as well as to observe preventive measures, which will prevent an increase in the incidence of coronavirus in Tatarstan.

More than 153k cases of COVID-19 have been detected in Tatarstan

Meanwhile, in the regions of Russia, an increase in cases of COVID-19 infection began to be recorded. Epidemiologists report that the Omicron strain BA.5 has begun to spread actively in various countries of the world. Anatoly Altstein, virologist and chief researcher at the Gamaleya Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology, said that Omicron BA.5 has given rise all over the world, in many countries. Those countries that have lagged behind, now it is starting to rise there. We fall into this category. Therefore, we are on the rise. I think that in about a month, there will probably be a peak and then it will all decrease.”

According to the federal operational centre, 1,664 people have been hospitalised with coronavirus in the country over the past day, which is by 119,2% more than on July 25. An increase in the number of cases was noted in 70 regions, while a decrease in cases of hospitalisation with a diagnosis of COVID-19 was recorded in 14 subjects.

It is worth recalling that Rospotrebnadzor warned that against the background of an increase in the incidence of anti-Covid-19 restrictions may begin to take effect again: “In general, there has been a trend of an increase in the incidence of coronavirus in the Russian Federation. In case of deterioration of the COVID-19 situation, the restrictive measures may be resumed.”

In total, more than 18,5 million Russians have been infected with the coronavirus since the beginning of the pandemic. In Tatarstan, as of the morning of July 26, 153,619 cases of COVID-19 infection were detected.

Summer holidays without masks

Let us remind that in Tatarstan, the mask regime was suspended in early summer — on June 6, the corresponding decree of the republican government was issued. The head of the press service of the president of the republic, Lilia Galimova, explained that the decision was made against the background of a decrease in the incidence of COVID-19.

At the same time, residents of Tatarstan over 65 years of age and citizens with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system are recommended to wear masks in crowded places, it follows from the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic. They are also recommended for people with cancer, pregnant women, patients suffering from obesity and immunodeficiency, regardless of age.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru

The mask regime has been suspended throughout Russia. The Rospotrebnadzor announced its cancellation among all other anti-weed measures on July 1. The next day, the resolution signed by the head of the department, Anna Popova, came into force.

A week after the “manumission” by Rospotrebnadzor, on July 8, the Tatarstan authorities decided to suspend the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of March 19, 2020 No. 208 “On measures to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus infection in the Republic of Tatarstan”. Since that day, restrictions on the number of people present at leisure, entertainment, physical culture, sports, exhibitions, educational, advertising events have ceased to apply. The registry office has also returned to normal operation — any number of guests at wedding ceremony is allowed.

Angelina Panchenko

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