Salaries of Tatarstan workers in trade field increase by a quarter

An increase in the average monthly salaries of trade employees has been recorded in Tatarstan, according to the results of January-May 2022. Compared to the same period of the previous year, they increased by almost a quarter.

The highest salary is received by those engaged in the sale of motor vehicles and motorcycles, as well as their repair — almost 46,4 thousand rubles. Compared to January-May, it increased by 25,4%. Such data is provided by the Tatarstan State Statistics Service for Day of Trade Worker, which is celebrated on 23 July.

The average monthly salary of employees engaged in the repair of cars and motorcycles has reached 41,5 thousand rubles. Compared to last January-May, it increased by 24,7%.

In general, the average monthly salary of employees engaged in retail trade, with the exception of those engaged in the sale of motor vehicles, amounted to 38 thousand rubles in Tatarstan in January-May. Compared to the same period in 2021, it increased by 23%.

According to the Tatarstan Statistics Service, the average number of employees employed in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles is 138,6 thousand. 63,7 thousand Tatarstan citizens are engaged in retail trade, which is not related to the sale of cars and motorcycles.

By to the results of January-May, retail trade turnover in Tatarstan amounted to 479,8 billion rubles. In comparable prices to the level of the same period in 2021, it amounted to 97,8%.

Food products, including beverages and tobacco products, accounted for 218 billion rubles in retail trade turnover in January-May 2022. Most of the retail turnover — 261,8 billion rubles — is non-food products.

Tatyana Demina

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