Russian Aurus Komendant SUVs may appear by the end of 2022

Premium Russian-made Taurus Komendant SUVs may appear by the end of 2022. This was told to Realnoe Vremya in the press service of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan. Machines are produced at the plant in Alabuga SEZ.

Now Aurus produces only Senat model cars. The patent for Komendant was published back in August 2020. The start of production was scheduled for early 2021, but it was later postponed.

The company clarifies that the sanctions and the current economic situation have not affected the production of cars. However, they did not talk about the number of cars produced and sold.

“The production facilities of Aurus in Tatarstan have not been stopped, the company's operational activities are carried out in the required volume," the manufacturer stated.

“The main buyers of cars are successful people representing various spheres of public life: politics, business, sports," the company's press service reported.

The first batch of Aurus Senat cars rolled off the assembly line in Yelabuga in March last year. Then they were intended for testing in Russia, not for sale.

The serial production began exactly a year ago, on May 31, 2021. Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the opening via video link.

Artem Gafarov

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