Russian tourists in absence of Turkey go to Greece

Russian tourist flow to Turkey has fallen sharply in the spring but has grown to Greece. However, the experts do not hasten to make conclusions

The first figures of the tourist trips to Greece are impressive: the growth of Russian tourists only in March — by 524%. However, the representatives of travel agencies note that in this destination there are still unsolved problems of delayed visas and the lack of high-level hotels. In addition to Greece, the experts note the continuing high interest in Crimea and the increase in travels to Tunisia and Bulgaria.

Has Turkey been replaced by Greece?

Last week it became known that the number of tourists from Russia have refocused from Turkey to Greece. In March, Russian tourist flow to Greece increased by 524% in comparison with the same period in 2015. For a month, the country was visited by over 10 thousand travelers, according to the Association of tour operators of Russia. During the first quarter of 2016, Greece was visited by 20 thousand Russians, which is by 135% more than last year.

At the same time, in April the number of Russian tourists in Turkey decreased by 79.28% in comparison with the figures in 2015. The total number of foreign tourists who visited Turkey in April of 2016 decreased by 28% on the same period last year. According to the Ministry of Tourism, it is the biggest drop in tourist flow in the country over the last 17 years.

Those people go there who have real estate in Turkey

However, the experts do not hasten to make such conclusions. Regarding the drop in tourist flow to Turkey, the experts agree.

'Tourists are continuing to travel independently to Turkey by acquiring hotel accommodations and air tickets directly, but the number of such visits is negligible,' says Ramil Miftakhov, the president of the Association of travel agencies of Tatarstan, Director General of individual tourism Agency Persona Grata. 'The decrease in comparison with last year, I think, happened hundreds of times, if not thousands. I think it was not even 80% but 90%. And, I think, and this includes both tourists and travelers for work reasons. Also, those people go there who have real estate in Turkey. They are the most part.'

Sergey Pasechnik, Director General of Companion SP also considers that the decline in tourist flow to Turkey by 80% is real.

'Tourists are continuing to travel independently to Turkey by acquiring the hotel accommodations and air tickets directly, but the number of such visits is negligible,' says Ramil Miftakhov

Greek problems: visas and hotels

But the Greek figures raise doubts. First, because March is not indicative month for Greece. Secondly, because there is a number of unresolved issues for Greek destination.

'To Greece, of course, the number of tourists has increased,' told Ramil Miftakhov. 'It was supposed to occupy a niche and to take a part of tourists from Turkey. But due to the specific situation with visas – delays, the number of days (10 days) — all no good. The flow has increased, but the called figure at 500% is impossible. This figure is stated to be in March, but it's not typical month for Greece. Roughly speaking, earlier there could be 1 thousand tourists, and now become 6 thousand. In March in Greece there is nothing to do from the point of view of sun, sea and everything else. Maybe, it is due to those who travel for business reasons. There are still difficulties with visas to Greece. Now we certainly have resolved the issue, we warn the tourists in advance so they made a decision at least 3 weeks before and collected the documents and in a minimum of 2 weeks applied for a visa.'

Information on visa problems has been also confirmed by Sergey Pasechnik, Director General of Companion SP. However, according to him, 'after May holidays, the consul said that everything returned to normal'. According to Pasechnik, in addition to delays with visas there is a problem of accommodation.

'Maybe the number of tourists has increased, but hardly that much,' believes the director of Companion SP. 'There are not so many hotels, especially high-level. Therefore, there can be problems. Greece will not be able to replace Turkey.'

At the same time, the cost of holidays in Greece, especially taking into account the appreciation of euro, seriously higher than in Turkey, which also do not contribute to the growth of tourist flows. However, according to Ramil Miftahov, in comparison with the previous year, when there was a price rise after the exchange rate shock, the prices, in fact, have not increased.

'There are not so many hotels, especially high-level. Therefore, there can be problems. Greece will not be able to replace Turkey,' told Sergey Pasechnik

Crimea, Tunisia, Bulgaria, Germany

According to the experts, the Russian resorts have benefited the most from the close of Turkey and Egypt. According to Ramil Miftahov, in the spring the number of travelers to Crimea and Sochi has also increased. Among international destinations it is Tunisia that has benefited, partly Bulgaria. There have not been observed any significant growth to other destinations, where there are departures from Kazan.

However, according to Sergey Pasechnik, some interest can be to the European destination: 'Now direct flights from Kazan to Frankfurt are being opened. In this connection there will be and is an increased demand in Europe: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Italy, Austria – all the nearest countries.'

By Dmitry Semyagin, Maksim Matveyev. Photo: Roman Khasaev

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