In online mode: Nizhnekamskneftekhim introduces automated sewage quality control

Nizhnekamskneftekhim has invested 22 billion rubles in environmental protection in the last five years. Now the enterprise is successfully carrying out the fourth ecological programme. This year large-scale reconstruction of treatment facilities has ended, a mobile ecological station to monitor the atmosphere has been purchased, automated sewage quality control has been introduced, air pollution sensors have appeared in chemical sewage traps. Not only the petrochemists but also members of the urban Public Council of Nizhnekamsk District are interested in environmental security. Active citizens have recently talked about ecology, and while it was discussed how to improve the situation in the city administration, Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent headed to Nizhnekamskneftekhim and saw first-hand what work had been done to improve the environment in the area.

Fixed stations take air samples every 20 minutes

Nizhnekamskneftekhim has worked hard and effectively to improve ecology during the year. The enterprise has introduced new technologies that control the quality of the air and sewage. Eco-monitoring stations, which are up-to-date and equipped according to all legislative requirements, play an important role here.

The fixed stations located on the perimeter and at the Biological Treatment Facilities take samples of the air every 20 minutes. The sensitive electronic “noses” catch light hydrocarbons, methane, nitrogen oxide and dust. Air pollution sensors determine the concentration of these substances. After that, all information goes to the dispatcher’s service, which can be easily called the “eyes” of the enterprise.

“Automated air quality control has been operating in the enterprise since 2008. A mobile ecological station that controls the presence of harmful substances in the air in 19 indicators in the city and neighbouring settlements was purchased in May 2019. Data from all stations accumulate on the server of the environmental monitoring system. Here the information is stored, analysed, and whenever needed workers react to any anomalies,” chief engineer in environmental protection at Nizhnekamskneftekhim Gulshat Nikiforova said.

The unified dispatchers’ service of Nizhnekamskneftekhim is a real analytic centre of the enterprise. Its employees monitor the quality of the air and sewage online around the clock. Caring about ecology, the petrochemists tried to introduce the latest means of communication. The current situation regarding emissions into the atmosphere and sewage is demonstrated on a huge screen (a video wall) in real time. In case of anomalies, a signal of alarm pops up on the monitor, and all necessary measures are taken immediately to eliminate violations.

Automated sewage control sensors

This year the petrochemists introduced automate sewage control. There were installed total organic hydrocarbon and pH sensors in three chemically contaminated sewage traps in autumn so that aggressive substances wouldn’t end up in the chemically contaminated tank. It is a kind of “wardrobes” replacing laboratory workers’ job. Sewage samples are taken every eight minutes.

“Those indicators that can indirectly suggest the pollution degree of industrial sewage are shown here. In case they are above the norm, we quickly react, take a referee sample, do expanded analysis. Then we find out what happened to make sure this won’t happen again,” Azat Gibadullin, the director of the Automation Centre at NKNK told Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent.

Realnoe Vremya’s correspondent was also shown air pollution sensors. This autumn they were installed in 27 traps of the chemically contaminated tank system. In case of bulk emissions, they communicate a signal about excessive concentration of harmful substances to the unified dispatchers’ service on the video panel to quickly react to it.

It is just a small part of the measures taken within the fourth ecological programme of Nizhnekamskneftekhim. A huge and important job awaits soon to equip the sources of emissions with means of automated control.

“As soon as automated systems appear in flare units, we will be able to determine what substances they emit and, most importantly, their amount in every source of emissions. Every system will be created and purchased individually,” said Azat Gibadullin, the director of the Automation Centre at NKNK.

Enterprise works to improve Nizhnekamsk’s ecology according to plan

Environmental protection remains one of Nizhnekamskneftekhim’s priorities nowadays. The enterprise has been working to improve Nizhnekamsk’s ecology for many years.

Director General of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC Azat Bikmurzin talked about it at World Urban Parks 2019, which was in Kazan in October. He stressed that the employees and citizens’ mood and feelings depended on the enterprise’s performance.

“We are very concerned about improving ecology. For this purpose, we have already been carrying out the fourth ecological programme since 2001. Its measures are aimed to use the latest technologies, rational use of natural resources, use of emitted gases as fuel, optimisation of regimes of manufacturing processes,” the Nizhnekamskneftekhim director general enumerated.

According to him, the petrochemists have managed to reduce emissions into the atmosphere by 27,370 tonnes, or 57% since 2001 (from 48,074 tonnes in 2001 to 20,704 tonnes in 2018) increasing the output almost twice — from 1,429K in 2001 to 2,678K in 2018. Feedstock consumption has reduced by 8,4% only from 2014 to 2018, thermal energy has — by 4,2%, water for technical needs — by 9,5%, specific emissions into the atmosphere — by 17%.

“We spend huge money on ecology because we set high goals to increase the ecological effectiveness of production and put every workplace in order. The social and ecological effect is the priority for Nizhnekamskneftekhim,” Azat Bikmurzin concluded.

By Liliya Yegorova. Photo: Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC, Rinat Nazmetdinov

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