'Football history': how Kazan cheered at WC
The 2018 FIFA WC participants will play only four decisive matches. The WC programme in Kazan has already finished — the capital of Tatarstan said goodbye to the WC late on 6 July evening. 6 matches, 11 national teams, failures of favourites and pleasant surprises of outsiders, justified expectations and broken dreams… An army of football fans has experimented it all together with the players. Realnoe Vremya remembers what they have to go through in Kazan during these three weeks.
Football fans from all over the world, even from the countries whose national teams aren't competing at the 2018 WC and that even don't exist today gathered in Kazan.
The WC is a grandiose sports festivity, moreover, when fortune smiles on your team.
One of the tasks of a real football fan is to say the team you are supporing is the best. And to do as loud as possible to convince everything around.
There is no immunity against the 'football fever'. Presidents, chancellors, Ded Moroz… and simply kings are sensitive to it.
And old age isn't an obstacle either.
Women are also a numerous and unchangeably charming part of fans.
To become a chic football fan, one should have exceptional fantasy and patience.
And, of course, a fan also must be an athlete.
Sadly, football always has losers. If it's your team, it's not easy to go through disappointment…
But football goes on, and new fans are alreayd growing up.
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