Every second appeal of Kazan residents to Narodny Control associated with unsatisfactory maintenance of roads

Every second appeal to Narodny Control system from Kazan residents is a complaint about the unsatisfactory maintenance and repair of roads. This was stated by Commissioner for Human Rights of Tatarstan Saria Saburskaya at the board of the Ministry of Transport of the republic.
According to her, last year alone, citizens sent 15,000 notifications. Another sore point is the work of public transport, Kazan residents are again in the lead, having sent over a thousand complaints, Saburskaya added.
“The most discussed complaint turned out to be from residents of the village of Zimnyaya Gorka in the Laishevsky district, which collected 251 reviews in support of the Narodny Control system. Back in August last year, citizens asked to install street lighting along Shosseynaya Street. In response, the management of Glavtatdortrans promised them to install a traffic light by October 31, 2025," she said, noting that local residents were outraged by the installation of a traffic light instead of the necessary lighting.
Let us remind that residents of the Levchenko Kazan residential area are also asking to clear the road leading to the village from snow. As excited citizens told Realnoe Vremya, a large number of trucks move along this route every day.
Due to that almost the only road to the village turned out to be blocked by precipitation, suppliers have been unable to deliver products to stores for several days.
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