5.1 billion rubles required for overhaul of electric transport in Kazan

The general director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Metroelectrotrans, Aydar Abdulkhakov, at a speech at the Kazan City Hall, noted that 5.1 billion rubles are required for the overhaul of the city's transport infrastructure owned by the Municipal Unitary Enterprise Metroelectrotrans.

“We are doing a lot of work on the current repair of the track and contact networks. Nevertheless, the need to repair the capital infrastructure of ground-based electric transport worth more than 5 billion rubles has been overdue since 2021," Abdulkhakov said.

According to him, out of 132 km of tram tracks, more than 70 km with extreme wear, and 20 km of tracks were laid in the 70s of the last century, which is twice the standards for major repairs.

He added that sections of cable tracks laid in the 1960s are still in operation.

“There is an urgent need to modernise four traction substations out of the 30 available on the balance sheet. They have not been repaired since the 1980s," Abdulkhakov stressed.

Worn-out infrastructure leads to breakages and downtime, he stated.

At the moment, one of the largest transport companies in the republic, Municipal Unitary Enterprise Metroelectrotrans, serves passengers on 5 tram, 10 trolleybus routes and 1 metro with 11 stations.

Realnoe Vremya online newspaper

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