Tatarstan Muslim Religious Directorate working on the possibility of supporting Muslims in Gaza

Tatarstan Muslim Religious Directorate working on the possibility of supporting Muslims in Gaza
Photo: Fatykhov

The Tatarstan Muslim Religious Directorate is examining and working on possibilities of supporting Muslims in Gaza. The republic’s Mufti Hazrat Kamil Samigullin’s address due to the recent events in Palestine are about this.

“The air strike on the hospital where patients, children, women, the elderly, civilians were hiding from death became another but an extraordinary horrible act of genocide of the Palestinian people. It confirmed all the fears of the international Islamic community that Palestine is being removed from the earth. Brutal, barbarian methods of destruction of civilians resemble Hitler Nazis’ crimes,” claimed the head of the Tatarstan Muslim Religious Directorate.

Hazrat Kamil Samigullin paid attention to the fact that the blockade of the Palestinians seriously impeded providing them with humanitarian relief. After the Tatarstan Muslim Religious Directorate decides how they can be supported, money raise is planned to be announced. He urged the Islamic ummah and the international community to take measures to protect its citizens from the “Israeli aggression and occupation.”

“And now we should be praying. I am addressing Tatarstan imams calling them on organising group prayers for Palestine after every salah and finish reading the Quran for its liberation and rescue,” Hazrat Kamil Samigullin claimed. Fatykhov (archive)

Group prayers are already said at Tatarstan mosques. The main prayer was organised at the Galeyev Mosque in Kazan on 18 October.

The conflict between Israel and Palestine broke out on 7 October. About a million citizens of Gaza were forced to leave their homes because of military actions between HAMAS and Israel. According to the UN’s calculations, 2.329 Palestinians were killed in nine days. The casualties in Israel account for 1.300. Another 3.621 people were injured.

Tatiana Dyomina

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