Residents of Buinsk industrial park to invest over 1.2bn rubles in aquaculture development

Residents of Buinsk industrial park to invest over 1.2bn rubles in aquaculture development
Photo: Luiza Ignatyeva/

To ramp up fish production

Residents of Buinsk industrial park are going to ramp up the production of sturgeon and salmon species 10 times — to 3,000 tonnes — by 2025. Director General of Unipark management company Marat Shakirov said this at the opening of a fish farm at the industrial park. The residents’ total investments will reach over 1.2 billion rubles.

Aquaculture was chosen the main area of development of the Buinsk industrial park because farms launched the first fish farming projects. They sold about 300,000 tonnes of golden and rainbow trout last year. They leased areas on the territory of the Buinsk industrial park to expand aquaculture, Shakirov said.

Photo: Luiza Ignatyeva/

Ilnur Khayrullin’s household opened a trout farm, its installed capacity is a million juvenile fishes. Investments in the new production totalled 35 million rubles, of which 20 million are a grant of the Tatarstan Ministry of Agriculture.

Fish processing complex

Timur Khasanov’s farm — the second Buinsk industrial park resident — is aimed at a larger project. It is full-cycle fish production, starting with breeding sturgeon and salmon juvenile fishes and further processing to the construction of a plant making combined fish fodder.

Nowadays the entrepreneur is building an incubator complex and a fish breeding plant as well as a separate fish processing enterprise with a capacity of 1,500 tonnes with his money.

The first fish aqua facility is expected to open by autumn, processing capacities are by this December, Timur Khasanov specified. The opening date of the fodder plant is under question, he noted. According to him, equipment was ordered from foreign suppliers.

Buinsk industrial park is managed by Unipark, a subsidiary of the Tatarstan Investment and Venture Fund. According to an order of the Tatarstan rais, 17 industrial parks are supverised by the fund, another 16 are by the Tatarstan Investment Development Agency.

Nowadays the entrepreneur is building an incubator complex and a fish breeding plant. Photo: Luiza Ignatyeva/

Unipark company set up the work to create management companies for Buinsk and Aktanysh parks that operated without management companies since their foundation. It started to make changes to regulative and legal acts for these purposes. It is expected investment agreement would be signed with the residents of these industrial parks this year, after that, they can qualify for state support measures.

Investments in the creation of Buinsk industrial park amounted to 155 million rubles. Its area is 27 ha, occupancy rate is 26%. The management of the republic set the task of increasing the rate to at least 70%.

Luiza Ignatyeva

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